Breast reconstruction

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant diseases among women all over the world. Statistics show that 1 out of 7 women can get this type of cancer during their lifetime. Most women who are cured with breast cancer need to have their breast removed (mastectomy). Luckily, new reconstructive surgery methods and equipment available today made breast reconstruction possible. Even better, breast can be created immediately after it has been removed due to disease, so that the patient wakes up after plastic surgery and has a new breast. Psychologically it is very rewarding, because the patient does not have to go through the period when she does not have a breast at all.

Most patients, who had their breasts removed, are eligible for breast reconstruction immediately after mastectomy. Patients are chosen only there is certainty that cancer has been removed by mastectomy. It is important that all women know about the possibility to have reconstructive procedures. Some may want to wait before having them. Therefore, a thorough discussion with a reconstructive surgeon may help making a decision whether to have breast reconstruction or not.

There are certain limitations to this procedure, concerning overall health condition of the patient. Patients, who have high blood pressure, have other medical problems, are obese or smoking should wait before breast reconstruction.

Breast reconstruction

It is the best to discuss the option of breast reconstruction straight after you are diagnosed with breast cancer. The oncologist and plastic surgeon should discuss all the possibilities together to plan the ideal strategy for you. You and your surgeons should talk about your expectations, goals and limitations of breast reconstruction in your case. Different techniques are used for different patients depending upon their health condition, spread of cancer, anatomy and others. Even though breast reconstruction may improve your looks and self-esteem enormously, perfection can rarely be reached.

Breast reconstruction is a rather complicated procedure, which involves several stages and surgeries. First operation is performed at the hospital, sometimes at the same time as mastectomy. Further surgeries may be done either at the hospital or in an outpatient department. Whether it is performed at the hospital or not, you should still ask someone to take you home after surgery and help you at home for a few days.

Usually general anesthesia is used for the first stage of the procedure, creating the breast mound. You will be asleep during general anesthesia and will not feel anything during surgery. Further operations are done using local anesthesia with sedation, and you will not feel any pain.

In order to be thoroughly prepared for the surgery, your doctor will advise you about your behavior before and after surgery and give basic instructions on drinking, eating and taking medications.

Skin expanasion

There are several possibilities for breast reconstruction: skin expansion and flap reconstruction. These options should be discussed by your doctor with you. Skin expansion is the most common method in reconstructing the breast. A balloon expander is inserted under the skin and the pectoral muscle following mastectomy. This balloon is gradually injected with saline solution by your surgeon. The process takes several weeks until a more permanent implant can be inserted instead of a balloon expander during second operation.

The aim of the balloon expander is to stretch the skin until there is enough space for the implant. In some cases, a permanent implant is inserted immediately after mastectomy, and no intermediate period is required. You should be aware that a nipple and areola are formed during the second stage of surgery.

Flap reconstruction

Flap reconstruction is another modification of this reconstructive procedure. In this case a skin flap is taken from other parts of the body. Usually, skin from the back, buttocks or belly is used to reconstruct the breast.

Beware that this is a more complicated approach of breast reconstruction than tissue expansion. Since that skin is taken from the donor sites, scars will be created there and also at the breast site. Besides, it takes longer to recover after this type of surgery. The advantage of this method is that sometimes no implant is needed, since not only the skin but also the tissues underneath are transplanted from the donor sites. Therefore, no synthetic materials are needed and breasts are more natural.

Further procedures involve creation of the nipple and areola. Tissue from the genital lips of the patient may be taken and transplanted to the site of the nipple. In some cases, additional surgeries may be needed to alter the appearance of the health breast so that it matches the reconstructed breast more ideally. In that case, patients should know that scars may be formed on the healthy breast.

If you need to have a breast implant for breast reconstruction, you should discuss with your surgeon which type of breast implant you want to have. As far as FDA recommendations are concerned, saline filled implants showed to be safer compared to silicone ones.

Breast reconstruction recovery

Recovery is a gradual process and may require a lot of patience. Since breast reconstruction is a relatively complicated procedure, patients usually feel tired for a few weeks following it. Some patients feel some pain, but this can be controlled with medicines.

The surgeon will insert a drain into the reconstructed area in order to let the fluid out of the breast. You will probably have to stay in the hospital from 2 to 5 days. Drains will be left in the breast for a week or two. Your surgeon will take the stitches out in a week or 10 days.

Getting back to normal may take months, depending on the breast reconstruction technique and whether it is done in combination with mastectomy or not. Recovery time is longer for combined breast removal and reconstruction or flap reconstruction and may last for up to seven weeks. You should avoid strenuous activity for a few months after surgery.

Since breast reconstruction is improvement procedure and not perfection, your reconstructed breast may not match the healthy breast ideally. Also, sensitivity of the breast may not return, but it may improve. Scars will be visible for some time, but they will fade away with time and will not bother you. However, bear in mind that scars will not disappear completely.

Breast reconstruction side effects

Like all surgery, breast reconstruction carries some uncertainty and risks, which you should be aware of before deciding to have this procedure. Usual complications are rare, these involve scar formation, bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, fluid building. If an implant is used, there is a risk of infection. In that case, the implant may have to be removed until the patient is healed.

More complicated problems, risks, are capsular contracture. This means that a scar around the implant contracts and the breast feels hard while touching. New implant insertion may be needed and the surgeon usually performs the plastic surgery to free the scar.

Some psychological symptoms may develop after surgery, since some women may need time to gain the feeling that it is her breast. Also, all patients should be aware that mammograms are necessary for both breasts after breast reconstructions in order to make sure that cancer does not reoccur. Patients with implants should go to see qualified radiologists, who know how to examine breasts with implants.

In most countries the cost of breast reconstruction procedures is covered by health insurance. However, if a patient decides to have additional plastic surgeries on the healthy breast for it to match the reconstructed breast better, the cost of such procedure is not covered by health insurance.

Even though perfection is not reached, most women are happy with breast reconstruction results. Breast reconstruction procedure improves women’s appearance and enhances their self-confidence. Other people do not even notice that a woman has undergone this procedure. All women are able to have this procedure and they should be informed about it as soon as they are diagnosed.

Breast implant revision

Breast implant revision is a type of plastic surgery , during which earlier inserted implants can be replaced with new ones or removed completely. Earlier only silicone implants were used. Nowadays, saline-filled breast implants are considered to be safer ones, since they are filled with salt water, that can be absorbed by the organism in case of leakage. Many women have breast implant revision in order to have their old silicone implants replaced with saline-filled implants or with newer silicone implants. Life of older silicone implants is about ten years. Therefore, such implants should be removed and replaced with new ones.

Another reason why women decide to have breast implant revision surgery is because for some reason they want to have natural breasts or smaller breast implants. In such case, breast implants are either removed completely or replaced with smaller breast implants.

In addition, some of the breast implants become deformed or shifted, and breasts will look asymmetrical. In such case the breast implant revision procedure is needed to restore normal symmetrical appearance of the breasts. A woman can either choose to have the same size of the breast implant or different size of implant placed.

Breast implant revision

After your initial consultation, during which you and your doctor will discuss problems related to your older breast implants , reasons why you think you need breast implant revision procedure, and your desired appearance after surgery, you will have time for the procedure set. Breast implant revision procedure should take from two to three hours depending on the technique used, problems related to former breast augmentation procedure, asymmetry of the breasts and other.

An incision is made in order to remove older implants and insert new ones if desired by the patient. The place of incision is below the breast, in the underarm, around the areola or through the belly-button. Most frequently the surgeon takes the existing breast implants through the same incision areas as they were placed before. This way no additional scars are made.

Breasts implants are inserted either under the chest muscle or above it. It depends upon the former breast augmentation procedure, patient’s anatomy of the breasts, contractures and other. You should discuss different possibilities, their advantages and disadvantages with your doctor before this plastic surgery procedure.

Since this is a short plastic procedure , it is usually performed in an out-patient department or private doctor’s office and the patient usually can go back home within a few hours after breast implant revision. Sometimes this period before returning home may be longer due to some complications, such as infection, or large capsular contractures. In that case, the patient may have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Recovery after breast implant revision

After surgery, you may feel tired, stiff and swollen. These symptoms should subside soon. The doctor will place a gauze bandage on your breasts in order to provide more support to them. Drainage tubes will be placed in the incision area in order to let the excess fluid outside of the body.

Healing is a gradual process and it takes different time for each individual to recover. It is important for the patient to follow doctor’s instructions carefully. You should try to get as much rest as possible during the recovery period. The doctor should remove the dressing within a few days after surgery. The patient should avoid strenuous exercise and harder physical exertion for at least two weeks. Stitches will be taken out within seven to ten days after surgery.

The patient should be aware that scars will remain pink for two to three weeks. This should change within several months. Your breast will be swollen for some time. Therefore, you should be very patient and aware that final results will be visible only within 3-4 months. Patients usually return to their daily routine within a month, but this is precisely determined by the managing physician.

Breast implant revision side effects

As with all surgery, breast implant revision carries some uncertainty and risk. Complications are not frequent but they still can occur. The most possible complications are infection or hematoma after surgery. Implant rupture or leakage from the implant is also possible. Other complications may include change in sensation of the nipple and breast, capsular contracture, shifting of the breast implant.

Breast revision procedure is very beneficial for women, who want to change the appearance of their breasts or to keep their breast larger and symmetrical. Those who had older silicone implants, are very happy to have them replaced with modern saline-filled ones. These implants have a longer life and, therefore, women do not need additional breast implant revision procedure.

Many patients are very concerned about how long their new placed breast implants will last. This is a hard question and no guarantee can be given. It is very individual but modern breast implants can last decades without changing, and the breasts will still look good. Finally, the cost of such procedure is $3000-$3500.

Breast asymmetry

Some say that nature loves asymmetry in everything. Most subjects that are paired usually are not identically the same. However, sometimes asymmetry can be noticeable too much, which could lead a person to certain psychological problems. Breast asymmetry is one of such examples.

Breast asymmetry

Breast asymmetry is a difference in breast size or shape, or both of the mentioned. Most commonly the left breast is different from the right in size and shape. In some cases this is unnoticeable and needs no surgical correction. Sometimes, surgical intervention is needed to equalize the breasts.

If your breasts are asymmetrical in shape or size, you should feel your breasts looking for any growths that could enlarge the breast. If you find any lumps or formations, you should consult a doctor. Also, bear in mind that scientists proved the link between breast asymmetry and breast cancer.

Breast asymmetry usually occurs due to genetic changes or certain coincidence due to which these organs start to grow differently. The growth of the breasts is controlled by estrogen hormone in young females. Breasts start to grow about 2 years after the appearance of the first menstrual bleeding, period. The duration of breast growth usually lasts from two to four years. During that time it is normal that breasts may differ from one another in size or shape. During the growth period breasts often become of the same or very similar size or shape. If that does not happen, it is not likely that the size and shape of the breasts will change until pregnancy or the beginning of menopause.

Surgeons consider breast asymmetry , that needs to be corrected surgically, when breasts differ from each other in a bra cup size in volume. If breasts differ from each other in less than one bra cup size, it is not thought to be in need for surgery. But if a woman does not feel comfortable about it or experience some psychological problems due to it, most cosmetic surgeons would agree on correcting such breasts.

If you want to determine the size of your breasts, the easiest way to do it is to measure them the way cosmetic surgeons do. Take a rooler tape and start from the outside of the chest (at the point where the breast begins) and continue through the nipple down to the other side of the same breast.

The size in inches or centimeters will show the size of a bra cup. Those are:

  • 7 inches (17.8 cm) – cup size is A
  • 7.5 inches (19.0 cm) – cup size is full A
  • 8 inches (20.3 cm) – cup size is B
  • 8.5 inches (21.6 cm) – cup size is full B
  • 9 inches (22.9 cm) – cup size is C
  • 9.5 inches (24.1 cm) – cup size is full C
  • 10 inches (25.4 cm) – cup size is D
  • 10.5 inches (26.7 cm) – cup size is full D
  • 11 inches (30 cm) – cup size is DD

Breast asymmetry correction

Usually surgical breast asymmetry correction is performed to patients, who are 18 or older. However, in some cases exceptions may be done for girls who are 16 or 17. The main rule is to wait at least for three years after beginning of menstruation.

Besides, there is a pathology called virgin hypertrophy. It means that breasts become extremely large during the years of adolescence, and they are bigger than cup D. Often this also leads to breast asymmetry. In such case, plastic surgery can be done even to girls younger than 16, and this assures better outcome results.

Breast asymmetry correction is achieved by breast augmentation of one or both breasts. Also, breast reduction can be performed on both or one breast. Sometimes a surgeon chooses to perform breast augmentation on one breast and breast reduction on another to achieve perfect symmetry. In case of virgin hypertrophy, modified liposuction of breasts may be performed at a younger age, which could lead to better healing and almost unnoticeable scarring.

Surgical breast asymmetry correction is successful in most cases, and women are satisfied with the results. Results of cosmetic breast surgery are usually better when there is only difference in size of the breasts. Some women try to find alternative treatments for breast asymmetry. Although, some companies may offer you medicines or certain substances that are supposed to treat breast asymmetry, you should be aware that there is no other scientifically proven method than surgical breast asymmetry treatment.

Breast implant size

If you are considering having breast augmentation , one of the hardest and most important decisions is to choose the right implant size. The most common reason why women undergo additional breast surgery is to change the current implant size to a more optimal. In order to avoid further plastic surgery changes and to choose the right implant size for you, you may want to read more about breast implant sizes . Even though your surgeon will give you all information you need, this article will provide with the basic information on breast implant size.

Women have different expectations from breast augmentation surgery . Some are certain that they want to be a C cup or even double D, others want the augmentation to be minimal so that others would not notice a dramatic change.

First advice is for women, who want to have their breasts enlarged, to decide what cup they would like to be. Women should not be conservative about it and should not worry that some people might notice the change, since more covering clothes may be worn at first to cover the enlargement. Most important is to get the result you really wanted, disregarding other people’s attitude.

Bra cup size is not a good parameter to use for determining the size of a breast implant. Different styles and types of bras have different sizes. So, what is a C cup with one bra may be a D cup on the other.

In addition, women wear their bras differently. Some wear them the way that breasts bulge out at the top, other wear loose bras leaving more space for their breasts. Hence, a bra size is not a criteria.

Breast implant size

The best way to choose the right breast implant size is to make a nude photo of yourself a straight on shot and side profile. Then, you can bring these photos to the surgeons office to discuss how much larger you want your breast to look after surgery. You may also want to show different pictures as examples for what would be too big or too small for you.

After deciding approximately what you want your doctor may ask you to bring different clothing, like bathing suites, t-shirts, dresses and clothes with a cleavage. It is advisable to use a sports bra for trying on different implant sizes, since it gives the closest image how the implant will look after surgery, since it holds the implants very similar like the natural tissue.

250 ml is a cup. 1 cc is approximately 1 ml. Usually breasts look smaller after plastic surgery . Therefore if you want your breast 1 cup larger, you may want to ask a surgeon to add 10 to 15 percent more volume to your breast implant.

Different implant sizes look different on various women. Therefore, you should not take an example from others, because the same shape and size of an implant will look different on you. The main factors that determine how the breast implant will look are height, weight, chest shape, breast shape, breast width and tissue stretch characteristics.

The largest legally available implant size is 1200cc. However, there are very few women who would choose such a size. Most frequently women choose the size of a breast implant from 250cc to 675cc.

The most important steps you need to make before determining your breast implant size are the following:

  • Taking a nude picture of yourself from the from and side;
  • Looking at nude pictures of other women to decide what is too large or too small for you;
  • Trying different sizes of implants with a sports bra in different clothing in front of the mirror;
  • Choosing a bigger filling of a bra implant than you like in the mirror. For example, if your like a 250 cc breast implant size, your should choose to have 275 cc breast implant to have the same result as the one in the mirror after plastic surgery;
  • Consulting your plastic surgeon thoroughly about all the questions that bother you.

Male breast enhancement

Female breast surgery, both enhancement and reduction, has been popular especially recently. Sometimes men are also curious about male chest plastic surgery . Usually, working out at the gym helps men build up their chest muscles and look masculine. However, some men will never achieve desired results even with extensive exercise and effort. Male chest enhancement will enlarge the size and shape of the chest.

Another reason for having male breast enhancement surgery is reduced chest muscles due to injury or growth defect. In these cases pectoral implants can help men achieve desired masculine look, and make them more self-conscious about their bodies.

Male breast enhancement

Male chest enlargement surgery is quite a new method in plastic surgery , and not many procedures have been performed so far in the USA. Not all men can undergo this plastic surgery. The best candidates are men, who are at least 18 years old. These candidates should have realistic expectations, and be in a good physical and emotional health.

Active diseases, such as asthma or hypertension, may interfere with the surgery results and make the procedure more difficult to perform.

Once you decide to undergo this type of plastic surgery, you will need to find and make an appointment with a plastic surgeon. On your initial consultation, you and your doctor will talk about how you want to look after plastic surgery. The surgeon will describe about the procedure itself and its risks and possible complications.

Your doctor will gather a medical history. Therefore, it is best if you could provide all the information about your past and present diseases, surgeries, and medications that your take. He/she will also give you certain directions on the diet, smoking and drinking. Smokers will be asked to resume smoking at least two weeks prior and after plastic surgery.

Male pectoral implants

Deciding which pectoral implant would be most suitable for you is a very important task, and your doctor will help you with that. There are pre-shaped implants available that are mostly suitable for men, who want to gain a masculine look through surgery. Custom implants are mostly for men with growth defects. It may take six to eight weeks to produce a special implant according to a mold of the chest.

Your doctor will explain all possible options for you and help you to choose the most suitable implant, size and shape. The aim of this type of plastic surgery is to achieve the result that is as natural as possible.

Male breast enhancement cost

Another aspect to be considered before surgery, is the cost of the procedure. An average cost of pectoral implant surgery varies from $4,000 to $8,000, depending on the state and plastic surgeon. If your chest muscles are underdeveloped due to injury or growth defects, pectoral implant surgery cost may be covered by health insurance. Ask your insurance provider in order to find that out.

Make sure to ask all the questions you want about the procedure, its risks. Ask if a doctor could show other patients’ surgery photos before and after.

Male pectoral implant surgery

Male pectoral implant surgery may be performed at the hospital or surgical office. The procedure takes from one to two hours or longer if endoscopic method is used. This type of plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia, therefore, you will be asleep during the procedure and will not feel any pain. Since in most cases this pectoral implant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, you will be able to leave the hospital on the same day as the procedure is done.

Once both you and your doctor decide that you are a good candidate for chest surgery, both of you will decide which pectoral implant size and shape suits best for your chest area. The procedure starts with a small incision in the armpit. Then the implant is inserted endoscopically using a special device with a thin tube with a camera to guide the surgeon. Although, non-endoscopic methods are sometimes preferred, endoscopic surgery minimizes incision size and bleeding.

A pectoral implant is inserted under the pectoral muscle. The surgeon puts sutures on the incision and the procedure is done. The implants stay in place due to the pectoral muscles or sutures.

As male pectoral implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia, you will not experience any pain during the procedure itself. After surgery you may experience some pain and discomfort that may be controlled with pain medications. Endoscopic surgery methods help to reduce pain involved in the chest enlargement procedure.

After surgery your doctor will place dressings on the operated area. You will then need to change bandages every day, in order to prevent infection. Most patients are advised to wear an elastic dressing or vest in order to reduce swelling.

Getting back to normal is a long gradual process, and you need to be patient until you can see final results of the plastic procedure. After surgery, you may feel some pain, which can be reduced with pain medications. Swelling and bruising is common after male pectoral implant surgery, and should resume within a few weeks. Although final results are usually seen after six weeks, most operated men are able to return to work and their normal activities within two weeks after this type of surgery. But bear in mind that you need to avoid strenuous exercise for at least a month.

Male breast augmentation side effects

As with any surgery, male breast enhancement surgery carries some uncertainty and risks. Although very rare complications are still possible, and you should be aware of them prior to getting this cosmetic procedure . The most common risks are bleeding from the incision area, which could lead to subcutaneous accumulation of blood and bruising.

Since male pectoral implants are not filled with liquids, in comparison with female ones, there is no risk of breakage or leaking. Infection is also a rare but possible complications. Therefore, inform your doctor if you start feeling worse day by day, or if you experience any symptoms of infection, such as fever, headache, pain, redness of the operated site and other.

If the implant does not stay in place correctly, you may need to undergo additional surgery in order to replace this implant with another one. The risk can be minimized by following your doctor’s advice very carefully. Bear in mind that although pectoral implants change the way your chest looks, they do not add strength to your chest muscles.

Most patients are extremely satisfied with the results of male chest enlargement surgery. These pectoral implants can be left in your body for the whole life, unless they may need to be removed due to complications. Although pectoral implants improve the appearance of your chest and enhance your self-esteem, they cannot change other people’s opinion about you. Therefore, having realistic expectations about male pectoral implant surgery is one of the key points before undergoing this procedure.

Alternatives to breast augmentation

A lot of women undergo breast augmentation surgery to reshape or to enlarge the breasts. Every woman wants to have beautiful bust! Breast augmentation is not the only way.

BRAVA system

There is one more possibility to increase the breast without surgical help! It could be reached by wearing the Brava system 10 hours a day for 10 weeks. Women can grow their breasts by one cup or sometimes even more. This natural enhancement is the clinically proven method to enlarge and improve the shape of the breasts. The principle of BRAVA system is "tension induced tissue growth". The result is natural and beautiful breasts. The results are 99.5% permanent. It is especially popular choice among women who have breast-fed and want to fill and lift not good looking breasts; very athletic women who want to have more feminized bodies but are against the breast augmentation surgery, and a variety of women who want to enlarge their breasts for one cup size. BRAVA system alike a bra with two plastic domes that are connected to a suction device, that’s why most patients quickly get used to sleeping in it – because for women it is natural to wear a bra. The only disadvantage that BRAVA system has is a "long fix"; you maybe needed several months to see final results; so if you decided to try this system be ready for waiting and be patient.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast enhancement pills

For those who want their breasts to be enlarged but do not wish to undergo expensive and exhaustive surgical breast augmentation , breast enhancement pill may be the answer.

How breast enhancement pills work

Breast enhancement pills , offered by various manufacturers, consist of nucleoproteins an phytoestrogens. Nucleoproteins are substances that are responsible for controlling hormonal state of the body. They help the cells to regenerate and grow.

Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens and act as stimulants of the breast tissue growth. These preparations are non-hormonal, so there is no danger that they may interrupt with natural hormonal balance of the body. On the contrary, they make the breast to react in the same manner as it did in puberty. This way, the breast gradually becomes bigger and firmer.

Breast is made of mammary glands, fatty and connective tissue. Fatty tissue makes breasts larger and most substances, incorporated in the pills, regulate the growth of the fatty tissue cells.

Expected effects

Breast enhancement pills are claimed to provide with the following results:

  • It makes breasts one or two cups larger by making the cells of the fatty tissue grow and divide;
  • Breasts look firmer, tighter, fuller, and more youthful;
  • Outlines the breasts;
  • Makes a better looking cleavage.

Breast augmentation pills should be taken twice daily in order to achieve satisfactory effects. Their results are said to be more noticeable if used together with other methods of natural breast enhancement , such as creams and certain supplements.

Additional information about breast enhancement pills

  • Companies claim that breast enlargement pills are safer than the breast augmentation surgery and have no side effects, however, there are no studies organized to prove it.
  • Bear in mind, that companies do not offer 100% guarantee, therefore, you might not experience the effects of the breast augmentation pill, like other women do.
  • Results are noticeable after a few months of use but tend to be permanent.
  • There is no logical, scientific and medical explanation to prove the effects of breast augmentation pills. Too few clinical trials have been conducted to analyze the effectiveness and safety of these products, unlike breast augmentation surgery , which effects, risks, side effects, and complications are widely studied and known.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast reconstruction after breast cancer

Worldwide the breast cancer (a cancer of breast tissue) is the most common form of cancer in female. The surgeon always recommends mastectomy. It means that woman will lose a breast, but will have a chance to survive. However, woman may be grappling with the emotional aspects after loosing a breast and sometimes decides to have a breast reconstruction procedure. Fortunately, today this plastic surgery is available for many women, who had a mastectomy.

Breast reconstruction – what is it?

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure to restore the appearance of a breast. Usually women prefer this kind of plastic surgery after having mastectomy. This plastic procedure reconstructs the breast shape, also nipple and areola (if woman desires). There are some different ways of reconstruction procedure:

* To use breast implants;
* To use body’s own tissue;
* To use a combination of tissue reconstruction and breast implants.

Breast implants

The first way to reconstruct your breast is to use breast implants . The researchers proved that they do not have any negative influence on a cancer patient’s health, also breast implants do not reduce the long-term survival of the patient.

During this plastic surgery, the surgeon places a breast implant behind the muscle of woman’s chest (as it is performed during breast augmentation). Bear in mind, that woman can choose one or two-stage process – breast implants can be placed during the mastectomy (one stage process). The two-stage process is performed if skin and chest wall tissues are tight and flat. The surgeon will use tissue expander, which he will remove after skin over the breast has stretched enough. After all, a surgeon will put a permanent breast implant in tissue expander’s place.

Tissue flap procedure

The second way is to select tissue flap procedure. During this procedure a surgeon uses tissue from own patient body – from tummy, back, hip or buttocks to restore the breast shape. There are two general types of the procedure:

  • TRAM flap (transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap) – a surgeon uses tissue from patient’s tummy;
  • Lattisimus dorsi flap – a surgeon uses tissue from patient’s upper back.

Unfortunately, both operations leave scars in both places – from where tissue was taken and where was placed. Also this operation is not suitable for women suffering from diabetes, vascular disease and even for smokers!

Remember, breast reconstruction is a complex procedure, the patient may need two or more surgeries to get a symmetrical breast. Sometimes woman also need surgery on opposite breast even if it’s healthy.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Natural breast enhancement

For those women, who wish to have their breast larger but for some reason does not want to overcome breast augmentation surgery, there is a solution. There is an option, commonly called natural or non-surgical breast enhancement.

What is natural breast enhancement?

Natural breast enhancement is a method of breast augmentation without a surgical intervention. It involves a number of different products, such as creams, supplements and pills that have an action of enhancing the breast in a natural way.

How it works

Breast enhancement products usually contain phytoestrogens, plant estrogens, which act as stimulants of the breast tissue growth. These substances are non-hormonal, so there is no danger that they may interfere with natural hormonal balance of the body. On the contrary, they make the breast to react in the same manner as it did in puberty. This way, the breast gradually becomes bigger and firmer.

Phytoestrogens are an essential component of either breast enhancement pills or creams. There is no difference established between the action of creams and pills.

Natural breast enhancement results

Natural breast enhancement products do not offer instant results. Breast enhancement cream  or pills should be taken or used daily or even more frequently for three or four consequent months. By the end of the treatment results should be clearly noticeable and satisfactory. Some women claim that their breasts became in one or two cup-size larger after the completion of treatment.

Positive results of natural breast enhancement process include breast enlargement, firmer and younger breast looks. These results are claimed to be permanent. However, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that every woman will respond to the treatment equally, since its action varies from individual to individual. But many women have claimed of achieving very good and permanent effects of natural breast enhancement treatment.

In addition, women with large breasts may not experience breast enlargement effects but have reported to feel that their breasts are firmer after the treatment.

Best candidates for natural breast enhancement

There are no investigated contraindications for the natural breast enhancement treatment, and therefore the following best candidates for it are:

  • Women, who cannot afford to have a surgical breast augmentation procedure;
  • Women, who for some reasons are not able to overcome surgical breast enlargement;
  • Women, who wish to have larger breasts;
  • Mothers, who have lost their skin elasticity due to pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • Women, who have lost weight and, hence, need to have their breast skin firmed;
  • Women, who need to enlarge breasts and firm the skin of the breasts after removal of breast implants;

Other descriptions

Although there are no known side effects, associated with the use of these products, diabetic women are known to have small response to this treatment. In addition, women who have low body fat, such as athletes and bulimic/anorexic patients, may not experience positive effects of natural breast enhancement process.

Bear in mind, that there is no scientific evidence for the action and efficacy of these products and no double-blind studies have been conducted, or results are not known, in order to get more scientific basis on natural breast enhancement products.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast enhancement cream

Natural breast enhancement cream is used either to enlarge breasts or treat sagging breasts by improving their elasticity and making them firmer.

What is natural breast enhancement cream?

It is one of the natural methods used to make breasts look larger, firmer and more beautiful. This cream contains phytoestrogens, in addition to minerals and special herbal extracts that stimulate the cell growth of the breast tissue.

Natural breast enhancement cream should be applied on the breasts twice daily for at least three or four months to achieve best results. This cream is either used alone or to support treatment effects, gained from breast enhancement pills and herbal supplements.

Natural breast enhancement cream compared to pills

  • Creams are applied topically and, therefore, have a greater and faster action than pills;
  • Digestive and overall body systems are not affected by active components of natural breast augmentation treatment;
  • Ingredients, used in creams, are fresher and there is a bigger amount of them compared to pill;
  • The amount of active ingredients is not affected by problems of the digestive system, such as diarrhea or vomiting.

Expected effects

  • Natural breast enhancement creams are said to provide with the following results:
  • It makes breasts one or two cups larger;
  • Breasts look firmer and more youthful;
  • Contours the breasts;
  • Better looking cleavage.

Additional information

  • Cream manufacturers claim that the product has no side effects, however, too few studies have been conducted in order to confirm this consideration.
  • Bear in mind, that companies do not offer 100% guarantee, therefore, you might not experience the effects of the natural enhancement cream, as other women do.
  • Results are noticeable after a few months of use but tend to be permanent.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.