Recommendations for Cosmetic Plastic Surgery

These recommendations for cosmetic plastic surgery preparation and period of recovery are the essential guide that will inform you how to deal with cosmetic plastic surgery , give tips and advices for better preparation and recovery process. Follow these recommendations and reach the best results!

1. It is vitally important to have a caregiver after a surgery. It could be family member, best friend, even a professional nurse. You may ask- why do I need a caregiver? Well, first thing to be said- it’s strongly not recommended to spend first 1-3 days (depends on the surgery) alone! Carer will help you with everyday cares such as feeding, walking you to rest room, cleaning your incisions, to put ice packs on swollen body areas, giving you medications and etc. Having a good and responsible caregiver will allow you to rest and sleep more, save your energy for recovery period and have emotional maintenance from another person.

2. You have to be ready that after surgery you may be irritable, angry, low of energy and every trivial thing may make you upset. It would be better for you to avoid any guests who are not going to support you and limit phone conversations.

3. If you had cosmetic surgery on facial area, don’t use any make-up for at least 2 weeks after surgery. Also you must avoid using any skincare, hair products, foods, which contain Vitamin E for 2-3 week before and after surgery. This vitamin is a blood thinner that may worsen bleeding during surgery and worsen your post-operative bruising.

4. Try to reduce your caffeine intake step-by-step starting 3 week before having a surgery. Then totally avoid it as you get into the last week before procedure. After surgery still keep caffeine out of your daily menu for 2 weeks. Remember, no coffee, tea and any kind of caffeine containing soda!

5. Lots of patients ask the same question – do I have to stop drinking alcohol and smoking before surgery? The answer is YES. Both these bad habits must be stopped for a minimum 3-4 weeks before surgery and at least 3 weeks during post-operative period. Avoiding this rule may cause inferior incarnation of your scars, complications and negative reaction with anesthesia.

6.  Every surgery includes a number of complications, which may contain swelling, bruising, pain and etc. Swelling is the most common complication, so it is recommended to use ice packs during the first 2-3 days after surgery. Put an ice pack to swollen area every hour for 20 minutes, and then make 40 min break and put it on again. You have to ask your caregiver to apply these ice packs while you sleep. Remember, never put an ice pack directly on your skin! First put a thin towel on swollen area and then place an ice pack.

7. Using homeopathic drugs may decrease swelling and bruising after surgery. You should start to take them a couple of weeks before surgery or few days prior to surgery and continue taking them for several days after procedure and up to 2 weeks post-operate.

8. Please, don’t touch, rub, bump your incision areas and avoid using any skincare products near your cuts!

9. When a surgeon removes sutures from your incisions, you must protect your scars from the sun with sunscreen worn for first 6 month after surgery. To further reduce scars, you may use scar healing products such as gels, homeopathic creams, vitamin E oil, and even manual massage.

10.  If you are planning to have great weekend, for example, in spa center, you must avoid hot saunas and Jacuzzi for 3-4 weeks after surgery. Also, when you are taking a shower, try to avoid hot water stream, because this can cause the swelling.

11. For facial procedures, you have to avoid using any kind of acids, which include astringents; exfoliants and alpha-hydroxyl till 3-4 weeks post-operation because they van irritate your vulnerable skin. Don’t color your hair and avoid waxing and tweezing facial hair for 1 month after a surgery. Also you should keep away from any skin treatments and haircuts.

12.  If you need to go out in public place, you will need to hide bruising and swelling. So, it may be necessary to buy specialized paramedical makeup (creams, foundations, color correctors), which will help you to hide all skin defects.

13. Do not raise anything heavier than about 10 pounds for at least 1 month after surgery. Such daily things as sport, exercising and even sex must be eliminated for a least 3 weeks.

14. You must avoid driving when you are taking pain relief pills or any other medications, which may cause somnolence or impair your vision.

15. It is not a secret that for plastic procedure , which include anesthesia where you may fell nauseous, so it is strongly recommended select non-spicy, non-chewy food that will not irritate your stomach. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water, vegetable juice or protein drinks per day to flash out poison and toxins, reduce the effect of qualm and dehydration.

16. If you are not able to hire a caregiver, help yourself by your own: set the table near your bed with telephone, water, medications, remote controls, doctor’s telephone number and wet napkins to clean your hands without soap. Also it is recommended to keep thermometer and incision kit close to you either.

17. Before the surgery, prepare your bed with clean bedding; choose the most suitable pillow for your elevated position.

18.  Keep your jalousies or curtains close to let you get sleep and avoid unwanted sunlight.

19. Do not use aspirin and ibuprofen for 2-3 weeks before surgery and for 2-3 weeks after it as they are blood thinners and may augment bleeding during surgery and post-operative bruising.

20. If you are taking pain relief pills after surgery, it’s important that you have something to eat each time before using them. Sometimes, persons may not have appetite, but try to eat a few salt-free crackers and then drink the water with your pill.

21. Report to your doctor all medications, supplements, homeopathic drugs, and any other products that you take during your daily life or are considering taking in the weeks before and after your procedure.

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