Liposuction results

Liposuction is believed to give permanent results. It is applied on areas where unwanted fat is accumulated but is not easily lost. Women usually choose liposuction under their chin or in their breast area, thighs, under arms, stomach or buttocks.


The most common sites for men include under the chin and around the waist. Liposuction can also be used to treat enlarged male breast. Most patients who have realistic expectations are pleased with their surgery results. However, you should keep in mind that a healthy diet and regular exercise is needed after surgery to help to maintain your new shape. As results are sensitive to diet and exercise, your doctor can help you choose a special exercise program to maintain results gained by surgery. Quite soon after liposuction you can see the results and feel better about your looks. You may find that you are more satisfied with your body and you can start wearing clothes you used to avoid wearing. You will not have to worry about your under-chin and hide it with a scarf. Women will be at ease wearing short skirts or bathing suits. Men will be satisfied after losing their enlarged breasts.

Alex ate a healthy diet and exercised regularly but he was never satisfied with his body, as his enlarged breasts bothered him a lot. Not any more, as he chose liposuction to get rid of unwanted fat. He still exercises a lot and eats a healthy diet that help him maintain a good shape gained by liposuction. He also feels at ease with his body and is more self-confident. If some parts of your body bother you because of unwanted fat, fat which is resistent to exercising, liposuction might be a perfect option for you. Before planning to have a liposuction procedure, you should get acquainted with the procedure itself and its pros and cons. You should not forget that complications, though very rare, still occur occasionally. Once you are determined to have liposuction performed, ask your doctor‘s advice and discuss all the possible health risks and complications.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

After liposuction

After your liposuction surgery you may need someone‘s help at home. You will be recommended by your doctor to start walking around as soon as possible to decrease the swelling and help avoid blood clots from forming in your legs. Either the doctor removes the stitches or they dissolve on their own within 7 to 10 days.

After liposuction

A snug compression garment helps the swelling to heal more quickly and may be needed for about two weeks. The results of the liposuction procedure become visible within 5-6 weeks after surgery, when the swelling decreases. The patient can return to work in 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure. More difficult activity is possible in 2 to 4 weeks. However, you should take into consideration that full recovery from bruising and swelling may take up to 6 months. So, you may not want to plan your holidays in a hot climate within 6 months after surgery. As some fluid may discharge in the areas of the incisions, a small drainage tube may be inserted underneath the skin to avoid fluid accumulation for a few days. Swelling, bruising, temporary pain, burning, and bleeding may occur after surgery and can be reduced by medications prescribed by your surgeon. However, you may still feel a bit stiff or depressed for a few days after surgery, but you will start feeling better as your looks starts to improve and swelling reduces. With all this in mind, it is easier to tolerate the period after surgery. You will have to see your doctor regularly so that he can check your physical health and your progress. If any additional procedures are needed, your surgeon will advise you so.

Liposuction risk and complications

Liposuction is a relatively safe procedure. But, as any surgery, it can have certain health risks and possible complications. Risks increase depending on age and physical state of the patient, as well as on the number of areas treated and the amount of fat removed. The greater the area, the bigger the risk of liposuction. Also, liposuction procedures in which 4 – 5 litters of fat are removed have greater risks than other techniques. You should know that there are no guarantees in having a good result, as it is very individual and depends also on the patient‘s body. Complications, though very rare, still occur. The most frequent complications after liposuction are skin irregularities and contour deformities. Other possible complications include an asymmetric or irregular skin surface, especially for older patients. In such cases, additional sugery may be suggested. Other risks include infection, which can be prevented by taking antibiotics, and skin injury. In addition, pigmentation changes and fluid accumulation may occur after liposuction. Scars from liposuction usually do not cause any discomfort as they are barely visible and placed to be hidden from view.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Liposuction surgery

Every surgery needs some preparations by the patient. Your surgeon will give the exact instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. This would include recommendations on eating, drinking, smoking and exercising before and after liposuction. Specific medications, such as aspirin or herbal supplements, should be discontinued 2 weeks prior surgery. It is important for you to mention to your doctor any medications you are taking. The use of iron tablets, vitamins, and certain medicines will be considered by your operating surgeon.

The liposuction surgery

Your surgery may have to be postponed due to the common cold or an infection, especially a skin infection. In rare cases, your doctor may suggest that you have blood drawn some time before the operation in case it is needed during the liposuction surgery . You should arrange with someone to take care of you after the procedure for a few days, since all patients are treated in the outpatient care department. Only the rare case requires a short hospital stay, and this will be explained by your doctor.The surgery may take from 1 to 2 hours, depending on thetechnique of liposuction and the size of the area treated, as well as the volume of fat removed and type of anesthesia applied. Various techniques may be used and some last longer than the others. Markings are used prior to surgery to mark the precise area where unwanted fat should be removed. Once anesthesia starts to work, a small incision is made in order to insert a small, hollow tube, and fat is removed from a certain area. A few incisions may be needed depending on the size of the area. Then the tube is pushed and pulled through the fat layer, destroying the fat cells in the tissue. Fat is suctioned using a syringe or a vacuum device. The amount of fat removed depends on the technique chosen and can be up to 4 or 5 litters if a large amount liposuction is performed. The surgeon tries to leave the scars as inconspicuous as possible.


Anesthesia, which is the loss of feeling or sensation either with or without loss of consciousness, is needed during plastic surgery . Local, general, or epidural anesthesia can be chosen during the liposuction procedure. The selection of a specific type of anesthesia is chosen by the patient and the doctor together to assure the safest and most comfortable state during surgery. The patient‘s physical status should be taken in consideration regarding the type of anesthesia chosen. However, most commonly, general anesthesia is applied during liposuction. When small areas are treated, local anesthesia may be applied. So, the type of anesthesia chosen depends on the physical state, area treated, and patient‘s preference

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  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Rhinoplasty surgery

Rhinoplasty otherwise called nose surgery is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. It’s a medical procedure that reshapes the nose for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. During the rhinoplasty procedure it’s possible to reduce the size of the nose, to straighten it or to change the angle between the nore and upper lip. Also to correct an injury or birth defect or to improve breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty techniques

One of two techniques can be used during rhinoplasty surgery . The first one is open technique and the second one – closed technique. Both techniques leave incisions made inside the nostrils. If the open technique is used most of the incisions remain inside the nose. One incision made across the Columella. It is the cartilage that separates the nostrils. The cartigale is lifted over the nose to allow the cartilage structure of the nose to be seen. It can be seen in its natural state and then the surgeon can make surgical changes to create more aesthetically pleasing nose. There is one disadvantage – after the procedure with open technique patient will have a small permanent scar across the columella. As the matter of fact this scar is so small that it can’t be seen even in sight. When the closed technique is used the incisions are made inside the nose. Then cartilage is pulled out from the nose and shaped.


Be careful – trust this procedures only for an experienced surgeon. Unlike the open technique the closed one doesn’t leave visible scars. The procedure with closed technique takes less time than the procedure with open technique. Also if the patient wants to reshape or give prominence to the appearance of the nose surgeons may offer nasal implants which come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Liposuction cost

Few people really have much of an idea of how much liposuction costs. If you decide to have liposuction performed, you will want to know precisely what you will pay for it. The cost of liposuction varies, depending on several factors. Usually, the liposuction cost per body area decreases if more than one body area is treated, since it is relatively easier and more efficient to treat one more area than it is to treat the first area. There is no concrete price set for liposuction, there are many types of liposuction and many different needs amongst liposuction patients. That’s why the price of liposuction surgery may very from case to case.

One of the most frequently asked questions that people interested in undergoing liposuction surgery is “How much does liposuction cost?”. As the matter of fact it is impossible to give the right answer. As there are numerous liposuction procedures, liposuction prices will vary from procedure to procedure, liposuction cost will range from plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon and also from state to state . Besides there are various issues which affect the cost of liposuction surgery (surgeons, amount of procedures, part of the body being operated on, patient’s gender, percentage of fat removed, liposuction procedure type). While consulting with a variety of plastic surgeons about liposuction costs , people may find major differences in liposuction prices from these surgeons. Often these differences in liposuction pricing are a result of medical qualifications and experience.


Another factor is, if patient will have few liposuction procedures the price of liposuction will fall down. It is natural that the fisrt procedure of liposuction costs more than the second or third, because the area treated contains less percentage of fat after the first procedure. Liposuction costs will fluctuate wildly depending on the type of liposuction procedure being performed and the part of the body that will be treated. Generally, liposuction costs are higher for surgeries performed on men than women, because there is a larger presence of fibrous fat found in males than females. Plastic surgeons will charge liposuction prices for operations that take longer. As a result, patients pay higher liposuction costs if a large amount of fat is being eliminated from their bodies. Different procedure types of liposuction differ from each other based on equipment that it used during the procedure. Also liposuction procedures that utilize newer equipment will have higher liposuction costs.


One more thing, liposuction prices can vary depending on where the procedure is performed, what clinic the candidates choose. Some clinics charge less than others. Liposuction costs for one procedure in a single area can cost $800, but this sum can reach thousands. Nevertheless there are general dominating prices.


Usually the liposuction surgery will cost between $1500 and $3000. National average is 2,578 U.S. dollars. Usually the price reaches 1,800 U.S. dollars for area ( arms, chin, back, thighs, abdomen – the patients will need to pay additionally 900 U.S. dollars if waits is included). Generally, if more than 4 areas are treated, patient will get a discount.


These are the approximate fees in the U.S.:

 Treatment area  Minimum  Maximum 
 Abdomen upper  $3.000  $7.500
 Abdomen lower  $2.000  $2.000
 Arms  $1.500  $5.000
 Breasts (female)  $3.000  $7.500
 Breasts (male)  $3.000  $5.000
 Buttocks  $1.500  $4.500
 Chin, cheeks  $2.000  $4.500
 Flanks (male)  $2.000  $5.000
 Anterior and inner thighs and knees  $2.000  $5.000
Outer thighs  $1.600  $5.000
 Hips/Waist  $1.600  $5.000


The size of the patient, preoparative laboratory fees, operating room fees, and the time and effort required of the surgeon, determine the cost of liposcution. If an anesthesiologist is required, in that case patient will need to pay the additional fee.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

The best candidates for the procedure are considered to be normal-weight patients with compact, elastic skin who have an accumulation of fat in certain areas that are resistant to exercise and dieting. They should be in a healthy state both physically and mentally.

The best candidates

The best candidates should be psychologically stable and realistic in their expectations. If these expectations are realistic, one should be happy with the results achieved by surgery. The patient‘s age should also be taken in consideration — as skin elasticity decreases with age — so an older patient may not experience the same liposuction results as a younger patient with tighter skin. Hence, older patients should have smaller expectations considering the state of their skin. One should also know that liposuction is not a substitute for overall weight loss. It should not be considered as an effective treatment for cellulite . But the procedure may be used for male breast reduction. With all this in mind, patients can adjust their expectations regarding effectiveness of liposuction . Individuals who have additional diseases or disorders—such as diabetes, heavy heart, lung disease, or poor blood circulation—and those who have recently undergone surgery near the area to be contoured are considered to have greater health risks due toliposuction. Therefore, patients must understand and discuss with a surgeon all the potential risks.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

What kind of procedure liposuction is?

Obesity has become a serious problem in many countries. More than 50% of the adult population in the United States is overweight. High-calorie diets and low levels of exercise are main factors leading to obesity. Therefore, modulating diet and the amount of exercise may be useful for ridding oneself of unwanted fat. But what if one wishes to lose fat from the particular areas that are not easily affected by dieting or exercise? What if an individual‘s efforts at weight loss do not affect some fat deposits in specific areas, including the abdomen, chest, thighs, buttocks, knees, upper arms, chin, cheeks and neck? In such situations, liposuction may be a useful option for some people.

New fat removal method

Liposuction is a popular form of cosmetic plastic surgery which can help sculpt the human body by eliminating unwanted fat from certain areas of the body (typically the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks). During liposuction, fat is removed by liquefying it and sucking it out through a hollow needle or vacuum device. Although it is not considered a treatment for overweight patients, not astonishingly, liposuction has become the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. Over the last 15 years, liposuction, which is also known as "lipoplasty" or "suction lipectomy," has gained the benefit of several new techniques and modulations.


The introduction of tumescent and superwet techniques, ultrasonic liposuction, and ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty has helped many plastic surgeons provide selected patients with more accurate liposuction results and faster recovery times. In addition, these new techniques have made the removal of larger volumes of fat with less blood loss easier. The most common areas of the body for liposuction include the chin, cheeks, neck, upper arms, area above the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles. Although liposuction may be an option in certain cases in which fat cannot be removed by dieting or exercise, it should not be used as a low-effort alternative to training and diet. The procedure can be painful, expensive, and, like any plastic surgery , may cause certain complications or health risks. To minimize the risks of the procedure, certain precautions should be taken. The surgeon and anesthesiologist must be properly trained and educated to perform the liposuction procedure. Also, the patient must be selected adequetly for the procedure.


Hence, not everyone is a good candidate for liposuction. To be a good candidate for the procedure, you must be well psychologically prepared. You must have realistic expectations about liposuction. One should know that liposuction can improve your appearance and self confidence, but it won’t undoubtedly change your image to match your ideal. It will not necessarily cause other people to treat you differently, so a person who expects to improve one‘s relations with others is not a suitable candidate for the procedure. Before you decide to have this plastic surgery , think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your surgeon.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Laser hair removal cost

Before the discussion about prices, you have to be informed that laser hair removal doesn’t work for everyone. This procedure works well only in lighter skinned, darker haired patients. The question is why is it so? Answer – Because the target chromophore in hair follicles is melanin pigment, less laser energy is absorbed by the skin and more by the hair follicle. So, if you are darker skinned, this procedure, unfortunately, is not for you. The same problem is with light hair and tanned skin.

Laser hair removal prices

The first question which people ask about laser hair removal is “How much does it cost?” Well, prices depend on several factors including where are you interesting in having hair removed, the amount of hair, number of treatments and also. You should expect to need four or six treatments per area to maximize hair removal. After each session, you will observe that more than 15% of your unwanted hair is gone and they will never grow up again. Other 75% percent of hair regrow weaker and have color. After a half of the year you will notice that more than 50% of hair is successfully eliminated.

Sometimes prices depend on time and number of pulses (pulse – the time when laser fires). For example, let’s imagine, that clinic charges 100$ per 15 minutes. If woman’s leg takes about an hour, the totalprice will be 400 $. As it was mentioned, some clinics may charge by pulse with a minimum fee per area. For example, the cost of 1 pulse is 1$. So, the totalprice s will be 200$ based on 100$ minimum fee which include first 100 pulses and dollar per pulse thereafter. You only get charged for actual pulses unless you have fewer pulses than the minimum. As you progress in your series of laser hair removal treatments, yourprice per treatment may decline as you have less hair to be removed. Different lasers have different spot sizes and will therefore have differentprices per pulse.

Here you can see list of the approximate prices (per treatment session):

 Treatment area  Cost per session  Nr. of sessions 
 Full Face  $400  6
 Brows  $100  
 Side of Face  $100  
 Upper Lip   $100  6
 Chin $100  5
 Ears  $100  
 Full Arm  $400  
 Upper Arm  $200  
 Lower Arm  $200  
 Under Arm  $100  6
 Full Back $600  
 Neck  $100  
 Shoulders  $200  
 Back  $200  4
 Lower Back  $200  
 Full Front  $400  
 Neck  $100  
 Chest  $200  4
 Abdominals  $200  
 Bikini  $100  4
 Buttocks  $100  
 Full Legs  $400  4
 Upper Leg  $200  
 Lower Leg  $200  
 Feet  $100  


The interval between laser hair removal sessions fluctuates for each individual. Also the interval depends on  the area of body where you are going to have the treatment. But in general the interval of 4 to 6 (sometimes to 8) weeks is usual.


Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal

Before making a decision to remove unwanted hair by laser, you have to be sure that you know enough about all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.


  • High level of effectiveness;
  • Skin will not be inflicted It’s almost painful;
  • This procedure is fast – it takes from several minutes to several hours (time depends on area of body involved);
  • It fits to all sensitive zones (face, bikini, and breast);
  • You can see a result immediately.



  • At least 4-6 treatments will be needed;
  • The effectiveness depends on skin’s color It’s still impossible to avoid the risk of skin burn;
  • It’s quite expensive.



Laser hair removal is not suitable, if you have:

  • Skin diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ontological skin diseases;
  • Cardiovascular system diseases;
  • Infection diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Very dark or newly sunburn;
  • Your age is under 17.

If you already had removed unwanted hair by laser, follow these recommendations:

  • It’s not recommended to have sunbathes (natural and artificial) during the first 3 days after procedure;
  • Before going for a walk, use a UV-filtered (not less than 30) sun-cream;
  • During the first 3 days don’t go to sauna and swimming pool.

Laser hair removal risks

Short-term effects may have a slight blush of skin, pain or tumefaction, which normally disappears after an hour, but sometimes it can last a few days, also permanent complication may embrace skin discoloration. It’s very important that during the treatment skin is not inflicted, so risk of infection or even scars is miserable. Everything depends on individual skin’s sensitivity and it’s impossible to predict some natural reactions.

As it is known, laser light is safe and almost painful (technicians offer an anesthetic or ice packs, gel and etc.), however, it is still impossible to avoid risk of skins burn. This risk will increase because of:

  • Melanin pigment increment;
  • Hair’s density and thickness increment;
  • Impulse’s energy increment;
  • Treatment’s time increment.

You have to know, that your skin color plays an important role – risk of burn increases when you skin is darker (laser light will treat not only hair, but dark epidermis too). That is why you can’t make a laser hair removal when you have sunburn