Are you addicted to plastic surgery?

The survey of American Society of Plastic Surgery carried out in 2000 had shown that two-thirds of cosmetic procedures patients are repeaters. This suggests that plastic surgery is another niche for a new kind of addiction to emerge, but due to a rather young practice of cosmetic surgery, it has not been investigated much.

Scientific facts

What we know about the addiction to plastic surgery is that it is clearly one more type of psychological dependence possibly caused by body dysmorphic disorder. The range of patients is limited to the representatives of the wealthy due to the high costs of repeated cosmetic surgery.

Off-limits of cosmetic procedure gives the completely opposite results than expected: the improvement you wish to have can cause an irreversible damage of normal body structure. However, some people, especially the sharks of the entertainment industry, are taking a risk and become dependent on plastic surgeons and their services.

Psychologists and psychopathologists have come to an agreement that multiple liposuctions , breast reduction surgeries as well as breast implants and chemical peels point out a wish for perfection running into extremes that are beyond what is considered normal.

The primary reason why people would get beauty maintenance work done is the wish to look younger. However, it is no longer true. People are obsessed with the idea that good looks can change their lives, and therefore assume that changing one’s appearance will change one’s personality. Plastic surgeons hear things like “Make me look like her or him” all the time and this is the indicator of the gap in self-confidence and self-esteem.

Red flag for addiction

There are certain character features that plastic surgeons and psychologists identify as the signals of possible addiction. Patients that are not very good candidates for cosmetic surgery tend to be over demanding and extremely picky. Some of them come to a surgeon’s reception with the picture of a celebrity one wants to look like and say “This is how I wanna look – like this person.” It would be normal to show a picture and say “I like those breasts. Can I have something similar?” or “Can I have my lips as full as hers?” But there are patients whose body structure is completely different from the person’s they want to resemble but they still insist on having a similar outlook.

A lot of people point out similar reasons for having a multiple plastic surgery for the same part of the body. They are usually related to not feeling safe, which evokes the fear of loosing one’s career, inability to accept or rather be resistant to critics towards his/her looks. This causes obsessive and occasionally even maniacal attempts to hide the features that supposedly make a person vulnerable. For example, one can spend hours in front of the mirror putting cosmetics in a particular order, buy too baggy or on the contrary too tight cloths and then spend an inadequate amount of time trying to decide what to wear.

It is important to note, that occasionally we all get a feeling that we do not look good enough or the way we want to. A healthy amount of self-critique encourages positive changes that do not require so dramatic means as a multiple plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgery addicts have problems not with their anatomy but with their mind. They will never reach a level of perfection that would make them feel completely satisfied with themselves, and that only proves that these symptoms are the sings of something deeper. Therefore in most cases they need psychological help rather than surgical.

Teens and plastic surgery

Perhaps that should not even be surprising that teenagers have started applying the plastic surgery topic for themselves. The very first reason for the cosmetic surgery being the desire to look younger, it is no longer relevant for today. Young people are as interested in changing something in their appearance as older ones and it is getting hard to control the situation.

What makes teens get plastic surgery?

Luckily, the greatest majority of teens in America do not go for it, but the part of the ones who turn to plastic surgery is rapidly increasing. Surgeons report that there is the difference between the motivation of why teenagers and adults head into it: it is a way of finding one’s place within a group of friends or peers for teens, while for adults plastic surgery is one of the means helping to stand out from the mass.

Teens choose plastic surgery in order to correct a visible physical defect or to change a certain part of the body that causes negative self-evaluation and psychological dissatisfaction. Of course, the necessity for plastic surgery varies from patient to patient, but despite the degree of how bad or how good the case are, all teens claim that a physical improvement would make them fell better about the way they look.

What cosmetic surgery procedures do teens choose?

Nose reshaping, ear reshaping, acne and acne scar treatment, sometimes breast augmentation and breast reduction are some of the most popular procedures among teenage patients.

For example, guys with gynecomastia – exess breast tissue – that is related to a fast growing or a sudden weight loss may be looking for reduction procedure. A person with an inborn mark quite often chooses laser procedures to make it less obvious. However, there are some who choose such cosmetic surgery as otoplasty (a procedure when sticking out ears are pinned back a bit), botox for blepharospasm (nervous eye "ticks"), and hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating), dermabrasion (it helps to smooth severe acne scars), breast reduction (changes not only the size of breast but the shape as well), liposuction (sculpts localized areas of fat) and other.

How to make a right decision?

Before deciding if you really want to give yourself into plastic surgeon’s hands, talk to your parents and consider if your problem will always be a problem. Surveys show that teens are usually aware about their body changes related to time. Think about whether you want to undergo plastic surgery just for yourself or it is rather an attempt to please other people.

Always remember that body parts time related changes are inevitable and it sometimes happens that a certain part of your body grows quicker than the rest parts of it. However, it does not mean that it will always remain bigger, because human beings have a feature to follow the rules of proportion.

If you think that you are a little bit overweight, think about the alternatives that might give similar or maybe even better results than plastic surgery. Buying a membership in a gym can be a good start and following a balanced, effective and healthy diet would make things better.

Some people get extremely emotional during his/her teenage years. Physical changes make them feel uncomfortable and dislike themselves. However, quite often it is excessively far from reality and needs the help of psychologist rather than plastic surgeon.

Scars after breast reduction

Stacy, 31: "I have very big breasts that not only are unattractive but also cause me problems with skin rashes under them, headaches, neck, back, and shoulder aches, and breathing difficulties. So in addition to psychological discomfort I often physically disabled. The only way out I can think of is a breast reduction procedure, but I have a scar phobia if I can call it that way."

A breast reduction surgery has become a big opportunity for a lot of women like Stacy who feel uncomfortable about their looks. It helps to significantly change the size and shape of breasts and give a person more of the self esteem, confidence and comfort that are as necessary while being around man as they are while communicating with women.

Breast reduction scars

All scars of surgical nature are permanent. For example, mastopexy will leave deeper scars because the surgery is more involved: the more skin removed from the breast during surgery, the bigger the possibility to have deeper scars after it.

The scars are visible around the nipple; go vertically down from the nipple and is typically under the breast as well. The scars fade as time passes but they still are wide and will smooth out over 3 to 6 months.

How to Deal with Scars?

The best advice would be to leave this for your surgeon who will do everything that is necessary in order to make your scars as much unnoticeable as possible. Unfortunately, as every other kind of surgery, breast reduction can also have unpleasant complications resulting in really thick and wide scars that are difficult to hide. However, even in cases like this scars can be improved through scars reduction surgery. But it is still necessary to have in mind that breast reduction scars are white extensive lines that are permanent. But the good news is that scars are usually placed so that low-cut tops would not “bring them into surface.

Refractive eye surgery

People have been wearing eye-glasses since as early as 13th c. They started from thick and heavy glasses, moved on to a great variety of ugly frames that finally established their status, became fashionable and started competing with contact lenses. Neither of those is really comfortable: eyeglasses keep falling from your nose and cloud over whenever temperature changes from cold to warm. And contact lenses make your eyes sore, tired and irritated after a long time wearing them. Maybe it’s time to change it?

What is refractive eye surgery?

Refractive eye surgery is a type of eye surgery that helps to correct the refractive errors of the eye. With the help of laser and other methods it has become possible to be no longer dependant on corrective lenses – eyeglasses and contact lenses. Successful refractive operations can help to reduce such common vision disorders as myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness, and astigmatism (distorted vision).

How does it work?

There are a number of ways how the vision can be rectified, namely, flap and photoablation operations; thermal procedures; corneal incision procedures; and implanting. However, the most popular surgical procedure to reach the goal of perfect vision is laser refractive correction of cornea.

Refractive errors occur due to the light rays focusing in front or behind the retina – a light-sensitive layer of cells at the back of an eye – instead of falling directly on it. By the use of laser, the cornea – the transparent tissue covering the colored part of the eye called iris — is reshaped to the extent that it again bends and refracts light rays by making them focus on the retina or very close to it. Doctors claim that the laser operations usually are done with the incredible precision and extraordinary predictability, therefore the greatest majority of cases are extremely successful.

Is it painful?

Eye surgeons recognize that LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) and PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) are safe and do not cause pain during operation. The operation is done with a cool (non-thermal) beam of light which is controlled by computer. The surgeon is able to turn it off in case of possible damage; however, there is a slight chance of failure as in any other surgical operation.

Your eyes may feel sore, watery and irritated for a couple of days after the operation but medical help to reduce the pain is almost never necessary.

Risks of eye surgery

Knowing that almost every medical procedure may cause complications, refracted eyes surgery is not an exception. Therefore everyone who is interested in this kind of vision correction should consult with his/her ophthalmologist.

Practice of refracted eyes surgery being very young, nobody knows the exact number of complications that might appear later on. However, studies show the instances of minor disorders after the procedure such as the feeling of dry eyes of glare during the night is from 3% to 5%. The risk of severe incidents though is considered to be less than 1% since there are know cases of blindness caused by LASIK or PRK registered. So are you ready to see a clear picture of the world not through the window of eyeglasses or contact lenses but your own eyes?

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

Mini facelift

When people get older, their skin loses its elasticity and firmness and, hence, wrinkles and loose skin develops on their face and neck. Therefore, people start to look older and tired. One can either live with it or try to do something to turn back the hands of time. For some aging is a painful process, and they might decide to undergo certain plastic surgery to improve their appearance. Mini facelift is one of such procedures.

What is it?

A mini facelift is a cosmetic surgery procedure , during which the skin of the neck and lower third of the face is lifted to give it a new, fresher, youthful and firmer appearance. It not only makes people to look younger and energized but also defines the jawline and refirms the neck-chin angle. This procedure is used to remove sagging and droopiness of the neck and lower facial area.
The difference between mini and total facelift is that a mini facelift is less invasive, requires no general anesthesia and shorter period of recovery.

The best candidates for a mini facelift

The best candidates are people between the age of 30 and 65 years. And also those, whose skin still did not lose all its elasticity. Patients should also have realistic expectations about the results of the procedure to be eligible for it. In addition, people planning to undergo mini facelift should be in a good general health. Mini facelift could be performed before full facelift of after it.

Before the surgery

During your initial consultation, your surgeon will give you the instructions on how to prepare for the surgery. You will find out what to drink and eat prior to the procedure. If you are a smoker, it is important to quit smoking at least two weeks prior to a mini facelift, to assure better and quicker results. Additionally, make sure you have someone to drive you home from the hospital, when the operation is over. Mini facelift, unlike total facelift, does not require general anesthesia and, hence, it is carried out under outpatient conditions with no need to stay in the hospital after the surgery. Usually local anesthesia is used in combination with sedatives. So, you will be insensitive to pain but be awake during the facelift surgery.

Mini facelift surgery

There are two major procedures, such as anterior and posterior mini facelift. They both differ in the area they are performed. The anterior mini facelift is carried out to improve the lower face area. It will begin in the region in front of the ears with anesthetic injected to create local anesthesia. Incision line starts in front of the ears and follow up to the hairline. The skin is detached from the underlying tissue, fat tissue is removed and muscles tightened. Then the surgeon pulls the skin and tightens it with deep sutures, removing the excess skin. The procedure may last from 40 to 90 minutes. Another modification of mini facelift is a posterior mini facelift to improve the neck and jowl region. The procedure begins with the injection of anesthetic into the area behind the ears. The surgeon makes an incision behind the ear and drives it to the hairline. Then, he/she pull the skin gently up, tighten it with a few deep sutures and remove the excess skin. The procedure also lasts from 40 to 90 minutes.

Mini facelift results

Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, it requires a short recovery period, most usually only a few days. The doctor will place a special ace bandage under the chin and around the top of the head. And it will be left there for at least two days. Your doctor will instruct you to sleep with your head lifted to assure an optimal healing process. Bear in mind that you may feel some discomfort after the surgery, which could be relieved with the help of pain medicines. You may also experience some bruising and swelling. The surgeon will most probably remove the sutures within a week following the procedure. The results should be noticeable after a few weeks when the tissues and the incisions heal completely. They should be visible for 5 to 7 years, depending on individual characteristics, sun exposure, lifestyle etc.

Possible risks and complications

Being a minimally invasive procedure, mini facelift has very few risks and possible complications. But just like any surgery, it carries certain risk for complications. The most common compliucations are bleeding, hematoma, scarring, nerve injury and infection.

Cost of mini facelift

The cost of the procedure is smaller than that of a full facelift. It differs from state to state, the average cost of mini facelift in the United States is from $3,500 to $6,500.


Many worry about how their body changes with age. Aging is not an easy process because our face does not look the same as it used to when we were in our 20’s. Luckily, there are ways to help people, who are bothered by changes. Plastic surgery is one of the ways.

What is facelift?

Facelift is a surgical procedure, professionally known as rhytidectomy, during which excess fat is removed, facial muscles are tightened and facial skin is redraped. As a result of this surgery people can see improved signs of the aging process, they are no longer visible. In addition, facelift may be performed in combination with other plastic surgery procedures , such as brow lift, forehead lift and other facial procedures.

The best bandidates for facelift

Even though we all get older and start looking older and, perhaps, most of us would like to have facelift performed, not everyone is able to undergo this type of surgery. Women or men, whose skin started to sag but did not lose its elasticity and firmness, are suitable for this plastic procedure.

Also, people, who wish to have facelift , should be relatively healthy. Bear in mind, that facelift does not stop the process of aging or make your face to look completely different. A good candidate for this procedure should have realistic expectations and to not hope that facelift will change the attitude of other people.

Before facelift surgery

On your initial consultation, your surgeon will advise you how you can prepare for the surgery. He/she will instruct you on what to drink and eat. If you are a smoker, it is important to quit smoking at least two weeks prior to the procedure, to help the tissues heal better. Another issue is your hair. If it is short you would probably want to wait till it grows long enough to hide the healing scars. Additionally, make sure you have someone to drive you home from the hospital, when the operation is over. Most facelifts are performed in an outpatient department, although you might need to stay in the hospital if your doctor decides to apply general anesthesia. Still, you will only have to stay there for a day after the procedure. Usually local anesthesia in combination with sedatives is used. So, you will feel no pain but be awake during the facelift surgery. If your surgeon chooses general anesthesia, you will be asleep through the procedure.

Facelift surgery

It takes a few hours if facelift is done alone, and it might take longer if performed with other facial procedures. The approach to the facelift surgery is very individual and depends both on your facial structure and your surgeon’s technique. Incisions are most often placed above the hairline and go down in front of the ear. Then they follow behind the earlobe to the lower part of your head skin. Should you need your neck skin lifted, the incision will be made under the chin. The surgeon disconnects the skin from the fat and muscles lying underneath it. Then excess fat is removed, muscles tightened and the skin pulled back and excess of it removed. Stitches close the incisions and the skin might be fixed with metal clips.

After facelift surgery

If you feel any discomfort after the surgery, ask your doctor to give you some analgetic drugs. Be aware that your face will look bruised, swollen and feel numb for a few weeks after the surgery, until your face and the scars heal. Stitches should be taken out in about five days following the procedure. You will be able to get up in about two days. Your surgeon will advise you to avoid heavy exercise for a few weeks following facelift. You should also abstain from sex, using sauna, hot baths for a few months. Your doctor will probably advise you avoiding direct sunlight for a year following the cosmetic procedure. Bear in mind, that healing is a gradual process and you will have to be patient until you see final results. Your face may fell awkward for some time after the surgery but it will turn to normal after a certain period of time. In case you have further questions, do not hesitate to consult your plastic surgeon.

Facelift risks and complications

Although facelift, when performed by an experienced doctor, is a relatively safe procedure, just like any surgery, it carries some uncertainty and risk. Complications are rare but still possible, and mot frequent complications include infection, temporary damage of the facial nerves, hematoma that is an accumulation of blood underneath the skin and needs professional assistance. Smokers should bear in mind that their tissues and incisions are most likely to heal longer, as compared to non-smokers. In order to minimize the risk of possible complications, you should carefully follow your doctor’s instructions on how to behave before and after the facelift procedure.

The cost of a facelift

The cost of facelift depends very much on the state, region, surgeon, hospital and anesthesia fees. An average cost for facelift procedure varies from $7,000 to $9,000.

Botox alternatives

Botox is known to eliminate fine lines in the facial skin. However, not everybody would go for botox. And for such people botox alternatives might be a good option.

Botox alternatives

These are the main groups of Botox alternatives:

  • Filling agents or injectables include fat, Collagen, Gore-Tex and Fibril
  • Face peel with acids and lasers
  • Surgical procedures of forehead, face and neck

Injectable fillers can remove the wrinkles temporarily and improving the appearance by making it look more youthful, gentle and energetic. These substances may also be applied on the lips and cheeks to make them look fuller. These soft-tissue fillers may be used in combinations with other rejuvening procedures like facelift, laser treatment, and chemical peel .

Injectable Fillers

Collagen filling agents consist of collagen which is used in injectable form. A small injection is made in the area of a wrinkle and collagen fills a wrinkle leaving the skin with no lines. The results are permanent.

Another refiller used to correct lines is made of 75% bovine collagen and 25% Plexiglas microbeds. This product still await for FDA approval. These materials fill the wrinkles leaving the skin looking youthful. The results last for up to 3 months. This wrinkle refiller is most usually used to eliminate smoker‘s or lipstick lines.

The newest injectable approved by FDA is called Restylane. This product contains non-animal-based hyaluronic acid. This substance is injected to provide volume and fullness in the skin. Restylane is natural cosmetic skin wrinkle filler and no animal-borne diseases can be transmitted. The results of these products last twice as long as collagen injections – for six months.

Fat-injection procedure is widely used to remove most of the wrinkles. Fat cells from other parts of the body, like abdomen, thighs, buttocks and others are taken and reinjected into the area of wrinkles.

Botox alternative results

You should remember that the results of this treatment will only last for some time. These results are not as long-lasting as the results of the surgical procedures. Although the manufacturers claim that the results last for a few months or even half a year it is very individual and some people may be disappointed when the results disappear in a few weeks. Professionals suggest that the period of lasting effects may depend on the age, genetics, skin quality and lifestyle. Injectable fillers stay longer in some sites than in the other.

Botox alternative risks and complications

When an experienced doctor injects the fillers, complications are very rare but still are possible. The risk for complications depends upon natural physiological and anatomical features of an individual. The results of the treatment with injectable fillers can never be predicted.

Allergic reactions are quite often with collagen fillers. Therefore, your doctor will do an allergy skin test to find out whether you are allergic or not. The test site should be observed closely for 3 or 4 weeks. If you note any signs of redness, itching, swelling and other, you should inform your surgeon and he/she will decide if you may undergo treatment with collagen injectable fillers.

Fat is not associated with allergic reactions.

Other possible complications, associated both with collagen and fat fillers, include infection, swelling, abscesses and scarring. Bear in mind that these are very rare occasions.

Recommended e-book:

  1. Natural anti-aging guide

Risks and benefits of chemical peel

There are a lot of benefits of chemical peels. Either of them make your skin younger-looking, free of wrinkles, blemishes, uneven pigmentation regions and even acne. These are very simple cosmetic procedures that can improve your appearance and enhance your self-confidence.Different types of chemical peel provide with different benefits.


Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)- mild chemical peel:

  • Makes your dry skin smoother
  • Improves your skin impaired by the sun
  • Controls acne
  • If  combined with bleaching agent it can eliminate pigment problems
  • Can be used as TCA pre-treatment
  • Convenient for people who do not have time for long recovery period

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-medium-depth chemical peel:

  • Removes thin facial lines
  • Eliminates kin flaws and birthmarks
  • Improve skin pigmentation

Phenol- deep chemical peel:

  • Improves blemishes
  • Removes deeper skin lines
  • Removes birthmarks
  • Eliminates pre-cancerous growths
  • Corrects acne scars and controls acne
  • Provides long-lasting effects
  • A single treatment is needed

The risks and considerations

All types of chemical peels involve certain risks and possible complications. Of course, if performed by a qualified plastic surgeon these risks are minimal but they still can occur. These uncertainties are associated with individual factors and may include unpredictable scarring and infections.

AHA treatment may cause skin redness, irritation and burning. And since several sessions are required the skin should adjust to these sensations with time.

Middle-depth chemical peel with TCA may cause some unpredicted discoloration of your skin. Normally your skin should be able to produce pigment as before. You will be advised to avoid sun exposure for a few months and use strong sun-block. In addition, this type of chemical peel is more suitable for dark-skinned people. You will need several treatment sessions with TCA solution.

Phenol provides deep chemical peel. Be aware that your skin will be lighter in color after this procedure and will not be able to tan because of inability to produce pigment. Treatment with phenol may cause discoloration of the skin – some areas may be lighter than the others. Phenol solution should not be used on patients with previous heart problems, since it may cause undesired effects. Make sure your doctor knows if you had any problems with your health in the past or recently.

Be aware that this type of chemical peel is not recommended for dark-skinned people. It also requires a long recovery period of even two months. You will always have to wear sun protection and strong sunblock.

Although chemical peels are sometimes used with facelift, you should not think that this treatment is like a surgical procedure. You must have realistic expectations, since the results are not as noticeable as that of the surgery. In case you still have any questions about the procedure, its benefits and risks, do not hesitate to consult your doctor before chemical peel.

Recommended e-book about chemical peel alternative:

  1. Get rid of all hyperpigmentation problems without chemical peel

Chemical peel

Skin changes with age. It loses its elasticity, color, and becomes wrinkled. People can either accept it and live with the changes or try to improve something. There are several ways to do this. A person can either choose facelift, botox, or chemical peel. Unlike both other methods, chemical peel is not a complicated one and therefore favored by most.

What is it?

Chemical peel is a cosmetic, dermatological procedure, during which certain chemical solutions are applied on the skin to correct its appearance. During this procedure spoiled outer layers of the skin are removed with the help of solutions. These solutions include phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs).

Chemical peel is performed in order to remove facial flaws, birthmarks, lines, and unequal skin pigmentation. It may also be used for removal of pre-cancerous skin growths, although it is mostly applied for beauty reasons.

In addition, chemical peel also may be useful for those who want to remove acne facial scars or even to treat acne.

How it works?

As mentioned above, there are several solutions used in skin peel performance. It is very individual which one should be used each time. Therefore, a doctor chooses one of them according to your individual characteristics of the skin, your needs, and expectations.

The mildest type of peel is chemical peel using alphahydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic, lactic, or fruit acids. These substances make the skin smoother and younger-looking for people, who have lines, dry skin regions, acne and unequal pigmentation. This form of peels is very convenient to people, who do not wish or cannot undergo other types of chemical peels, which require a certain recovery period.

You may need a series of AHA applications to achieve the best results. Alphahydroxy acids may be used weekly or at longer intervals, depending on the state of your skin problems and your wishes. These acids may also be mixed with your facial wash or cream, so that you could apply it daily to change the appearance of your skin.

Medium-depth peeling is performed using trichloroacetic acid (TCA). Although concentration of this substance may be changed, providing different types of chemical peel. This acid is applied to remove thin wrinkles, small facial flaws, birthmarks and improve skin pigmentation. Results can be achieved by several sessions of chemical peel but they are not long-lasting and very noticeable as compared to phenol chemical peel.

Almost no recovery time is needed, although sunblock is required after treatment. In addition, certain creams should be used before undergoing chemical peel. And finally, this type of chemical peel is most suitable for darker-skinned patients.

The deepest form of chemical peel is performed with the help of phenol. It is the most powerful of all the above mentioned solutions. When applied on the skin, it may treat thick facial lines, remove skin blots caused by sun and other factors, eliminate pre-cancerous growths, and birthmarks. Phenol should not be used on other body areas than face, since scarring may occur.

This type of chemical peel is most suitable for light-skinned subjects. Deep chemical peel provides long-lasting, visible results, although lightening areas may occur. It needs to be used only once and recovery period is rather long – up to two months.

Chemical peel procedure

During your initial consultation the doctor will decide which type of chemical peel suits you best depending on your skin type, problems, age, general physical state and expectations.

Light chemical peel, when AHA is applied, usually lasts no longer than 10 minutes. During this type of treatment, the doctor will apply AHA solution to you facial skin. You will need several applications in order to obtain the best results. There is no recovery period after this type of chemical peel and you will not need to apply certain „after-peel“ creams. Some patients may be suitable for the mixtures of AHA solution and face wash or cream, so that they can use the creams daily and come to visiti their doctor for examination of the results.

Your doctor will cleanse your skin properly before medium-depth or deep chemical peeling. Then the phenol or TCA solution is applied to your facial skin and you may experience a burning sensation at the beginning, which should pass quickly.

Chemical peel with TCA solution usually takes no longer than 15 minutes. You will need two or more applications in order to achieve the best results.

Deep chemical peel with phenol solution usually lasts one or two hours, and a recovery period that may be up to two months is needed. Your doctor will probably cover the treated region with petroleum jelly or waterproof adhesive tape in order to prevent infection and allow the skin to recover properly. Single application of phenol solution should be enough to achieve good long-lasting results.

Chemical peel cost

The price of chemical peels depends very much on the type of chemical peel performed, size of the area treated, hospital fees and others. Mild chemical peels are most frequently used and the cheapest, but they require a few sessions.
Bear in mind that the price of chemical peels differs from state to state and these are only average prices provided.

 Full-face chemical peel  $1000 – $2000
 Mild chemical peel  $150 – $300
 Deep chemical peel  $2.500 – $6.500

Recommended e-book about chemical peel alternative:

  1. Get rid of all hyperpigmentation problems without chemical peel

Mini botox

Skin changes with age and one can notice it mostly on the face. Wrinkles are a result of skin aging. There are a lot of people who are bothered by the fact that their skin does not look firm, fresh, and young anymore. Frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, and neck bands are the most noticeable changes of the skin due to older age.

What is Mini Botox?

Mini botox products include various creams and gels that contain special agents, which help the skin to regenerate and make it firmer and younger. There is a variety of such products on the market and people can choose the best for them by quality and price. Most of these Mini botox preparations comprise of the main substances, such as antioxidants, vitamins, natural fruit acids, DMEA, and carnauba wax.

Mini botox treatment

Wrinkles result from the loss of elasticity of the skin, continuous stress, age, and free radicals action. Therefore, antioxidative agents act to prevent the destructive action of free radicals. These agents repair and stop disruption of the skin cells. Another component, natural fruit acids, maintain the important moisture balance in the skin, which make the skin firmer. DMEA, known as 2-dimethyl-amino-ethanol, is also one of the components of Mini Botox creams. The action of this agent is to make the skin muscles firmer and activate distribution in the skin. Carnauba wax on the other hand is used to fill in the lines in order for the face to look younger.

Directions for use

Mini botox creams should be applied day and night on a clean skin of face and neck with a gentle massage. A person should apply these products for a longer time in order for the results to be more noticeable and constant. First visible results should appear in a few weeks after beginning to use the cream.

Since there are a lot of different products, you would probably want to consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist in order to choose the cream that would suit you best. In addition, please read the instruction about the cream, because the use might differ from product to product.

Mini botox results

Results should be noticeable within a few weeks after the beginning of treatment. Mini botox is best for crow’s feet, frown lines, forehead wrinkles, creases around the lips, and neck bands. These lines should be reduced with time, once you start to use Mini botox creams. You will notice that your face looks younger and fresher. Your facial wrinkles should be barely visible. Your skin should be firmer and toned. Mini botox products also moisturize the skin, leaving it fresher and younger.

Remember, that results may vary individually. They also depend very much on the manufacturer and the components of Mini botox creams. Therefore, you might want to consult a dermatologist before choosing the product for use.

Although scientists still have doubts about some of the components of Mini botox products, many women around the world are satisfied with the results that can be reached without any injections but only facial creams.

Recommended e-book:

  1. Natural anti-aging guide