Botox risks

Botox is a very safe and simple procedure, just like any other intervention it may have possible side effects and complications. Although side effects are very rare and no systemic complications were noted so far, you may want to take certain precautions in order to minimize the possibility of the side effects to occur.

Botox risks

You should not undergo botox cosmetic procedure if you are infected in the forehead area, i.e. where botox injections are made. You should avoid this treatment during the time when you are or might be pregnant. You are strictly not allowed to have botox treatment if you are allergic to this substance. Therefore, make sure you inform your doctor on these three conditions.

You should also tell your physician all the possibly important facts from your medical history. It is important to inform your doctor if you suffer from any disease that involves your muscles or nerves since it could interfere with botox. You should also let your doctor decide whether it is safe to administer Botox cosmetic during the breastfeeding period or the time when you plan to become pregnant in the future.

Note that some medical substances may interfere with the action of botox cosmetic. Therefore let your doctor know about all the medications that you use. Antibiotics, medicines that are used to treat heart rhythm disorders and medicines used to treat Alzheimer’s disease or myasthenia gravis are known to interfere with botox substance and cause more side effects. Also, make sure your physician knows all other medications that you use to treat various medical conditions.

Side effects are rare but still possible. The most frequent side effects include the following: headache, nausea, infection, and blepharoptosis.

In case you have any further questions about a botox cosmetic treatment, do not hesitate to ask your doctor. It is important for you to understand that only your physician can decide whether this cosmetic  procedure is for you or not.

Recommended e-book:

  1. Natural anti-aging guide


You wake up one day and look in the mirror and suddenly what you see does not satisfy you. You notice wrinkles on your forehead, under your eyes and around the lips. And you start wondering where these lines have come from. It is the reality that our faces transform with time. We can either admit to it or try to change it. Plastic surgery can do miracles but sometimes no surgical intervention is needed. What you might need is a single injection of Botox to look better, younger and fresh.

Why skin ages

Skin changes with age. It loses water and hence elasticity. But this is not the only reason for the wrinkles to show up. With time, collagen in the skin starts depleting, hormonal balance changes and our skin is being damaged by free radicals. These factors cause skin aging and lines to appear.

Besides, we show all our emotions with our face. We laugh when we are happy, we put our brows together when we are angry or upset, we cry when we feel sad. These all require facial muscle movements. With time there is a huge amount of such movements and finally the skin produces wrinkles at the sites of usual facial muscle movements. Folds that show up between our brows are actually a result of continuous muscle movements.

What is botox?

Botox cosmetic is a botulinum toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is purified and moderated so that it can be safely used in beauty procedures. Botulinum reduces the action of the forehead muscles that cause the lines between the eyebrows to appear.

Botox cosmetic itself is an easy procedure that is administered by a doctor. Wrinkles between the brows are totally reduced or smoothened for a certain period of time, as a result of this treatment. It is a non-surgical procedure and people between the age of 18 and 65 are eligible to it.

Botox cosmetic treatment takes from 10 to 15 minutes. During this time a few small injections are made on your forehead and the procedure is over. You will notice visible results within a few days after the treatment. The lines between the brows should either disappear completely or at least may be smoothened and your look should be friendlier. These results should remain visible for up to four months after the Botox cosmetic procedure. However, results may vary as it depends very much upon the patient’s personal characteristics. You will need to repeat the treatment again in order for the results to be visible.

Botox procedure may be used to treat frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles and neck bands.

Botox cosmetic is said to be the most popular cosmetic procedure after its approval by Food and Drug Administration in the United States. More than one million of people around the United States have already tried this treatment and 90% of them were satisfied with the results.

Botox treatment

Once you have decided you want botox cosmetic treatment, you may wish to see your physician only to ask a few questions. You may easily do so after you had made your appointment. Your doctor should ask a few questions about your past medical history, additional diseases and possible allergies. Even though you might think you are eligible to have the procedure performed and want it very much, your doctor is the one to decide whether you are a good candidate for Botox.

After you and your physician decide that you may have the treatment with Botox cosmetic, you will be seated in a special chair. Your doctor will then administer the cosmetic through a few small injections. These are made on your forehead aiming at your facial muscles that cause wrinkles between your eyebrows. Your doctor should determine where these muscles are prior to the injections by asking you to move your brows. Beware that size and use of the brow muscles is a very individual case.

Although you will need no anesthesia, your doctor may try to make the site of injection insensitive with the help of ice or anesthetic cream. Do not worry about pain because the procedure is almost painless.

Botox cosmetic treatment is very convenient since it does not require any recovery period. Therefore you may have the procedure even during your lunch break and go back straight to work after it. The results should be visible within a few days after the injections and should remain for four consecutive months.

After four months the wrinkles between your eyebrows should appear again and look just like they did before botox treatment. You are allowed to repeat the procedure every four months in order to keep the results noticeable.

Even though you will look better and facial lines will be invisible, your face appearance will not totally change. You will still be able to show your emotions with facial expressions, only they will be without wrinkles.

Botox cost

There is a variety of factors that affect the price of a botox cosmetic procedure. Total cost depends very much upon the physician, region and state. In general, bear in mind that low price usually does not offer the best value possible.

Since botox injections are mostly performed in order to solve beauty problems, most health insurance policies do not cover the cost of the procedure. However, there are certain medical conditions during which botox treatment is needed to cure the disease. Most of these diseases are neurological ones. Therefore when botox is used to treat these conditions, health insurance should cover the cost of the procedure. For more information, please check with your health insurance provider.

The price of a botox treatment ranges between $300 and $600, depending on the above mentioned factors.

Recommended e-book:

  1. Natural anti-aging guide

Male breast reduction

Gynecomastia, a condition when men have enlarged breasts, may be a problem of 40 to 60 percent of all men. The vast majority of men do not want to talk about it, although there is nothing to be ashamed of and seek for help. There is an efficient solution to this problem, the male breast reduction plastic  procedure .

What is it?

Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure to reduce male breasts and correct a condition called gynecomastia. The surgeon removes fat and glandular tissue from the breast. As a result of this plastic surgery , a man has a flat, firm, and well-contoured chest. In some cases excess skin is also removed. This depends upon the state of gynecomastia.

The best candidates for the procedure

Even though you might want to undergo breast reduction procedure, you have to be sure if you are suitable for it. You are eligible if you are healthy and psychologically stable. It does not matter how old you are. It is best if your skin is firm and elastic, able to gain the body’s new contours.

Men, who are fat and have overweight, are not the best candidates for surgical gynecomastia correction. The doctor will first advise them to try to lose fat and do some exercise in order to try to correct gynecomastia without surgery. Men, who drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, are not eligible for the procedure until they stop their habits. In addition, men should have realistic expectations from the procedure to be a good candidate for male breast reduction.

Before the gynecomastia surgery

Your surgeon will evaluate your general health state and the state of gynecomastia. He or she will decide how much fat, glandular tissue and/or excess fat should be removed for the best result. The surgeon will also advise you on what to drink, eat prior to the surgery. If you smoke, you will have to stop this habit at least two weeks before surgery and during the healing period in order for the tissue to heal better.
Male breast reduction procedure is usually performed under outpatient conditions but some cases might require hospital stay for a few days. Most procedures are performed under general anesthesia, but local anesthesia with additional sedation is possible. Your surgeon will discuss all the options and decide according to the extent of the surgery. Gynecomastia surgery usually takes from one hour to one hour and a half. But if a more extensive correction is needed, surgery might take longer. It is very important to give the surgeon all the required information and follow his/her instructions carefully in order to achieve best results.

Gynecomastia surgery

The surgeon will make an incision in the skin, either around the areola or in the under arm area, so that the scar is unnoticeable after surgery. Excess fat, glandular tissue and ski will be removed through this incision. The surgeon might use liposuction in combination with scalpel. In case liposuction is used, the cannula may be inserted through the incision. If a doctor removes larger amount of skin, more noticeable scar may appear.
The incisions are then closed and covered with a dressing. The surgeon will cover the chest with a wrap, so that the skin should be firmly in place.

After the gynecomastia surgery

You should feel some discomfort after surgery and it can be controlled with certain medications. The discomfort should disappear after a few days but it is normal in some cases that it takes a few weeks to feel normal again. You should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and help you at home for a few days.

You will experience swelling and bruising for the first few weeks after surgery. To help this disappear quicker, you may wear elastic garment around your chest. Your surgeon will encourage walking around the next day after surgery in order to prevent the formation of blood clots. You may return to work when you feel you are able to, which may be a day or two after surgery. Your surgeon will remove the stitches in one or two weeks after the procedure. The results should be visible after a few months following male breast reduction.

You will be able to return to your normal activities after a month following the procedure. You should avoid sex for two weeks and heavy exercise for four weeks. Remember to avoid sun for at least six months after surgery, since the sun may make your scar turn dark. In case you cannot avoid direct sunshine, you should use a strong sunblock. If you still have further questions do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Possible complications

Although when performed by a well experienced doctor, this procedure is safe, as with any surgery male breast reduction may have possible risks and complications that you should be aware of. The most frequent risks and complications include infection, skin injury, bleeding, excessive fluid loss or accumulation. Another complication may be associated with anesthesia, because anesthetic substances may cause some undesirable effects. Bear in mind that normally the procedure should not leave any noticeable scars, in some cases scars may be visible or dark. You may also experience asymmetrical breasts or nipples. In case there is a huge asymmetry, you may have to undergo additional procedure. Finally, you may face temporary loss of breast sensation or numbness. This should disappear after one year.

Gynecomastia surgery cost

Depending upon the state, the region and clinic the price ranges from $2,700 to $5,000. Gynecomastia sugery cost may vary from individual to individual, since it depends upon the extent of the surgery, the type of anesthesia applied and hospital expenses.

Breast enhancement pills

For those who want their breasts to be enlarged but do not wish to undergo expensive and exhaustive surgical breast augmentation , breast enhancement pill may be the answer.

How breast enhancement pills work

Breast enhancement pills , offered by various manufacturers, consist of nucleoproteins an phytoestrogens. Nucleoproteins are substances that are responsible for controlling hormonal state of the body. They help the cells to regenerate and grow.

Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens and act as stimulants of the breast tissue growth. These preparations are non-hormonal, so there is no danger that they may interrupt with natural hormonal balance of the body. On the contrary, they make the breast to react in the same manner as it did in puberty. This way, the breast gradually becomes bigger and firmer.

Breast is made of mammary glands, fatty and connective tissue. Fatty tissue makes breasts larger and most substances, incorporated in the pills, regulate the growth of the fatty tissue cells.

Expected effects

Breast enhancement pills are claimed to provide with the following results:

  • It makes breasts one or two cups larger by making the cells of the fatty tissue grow and divide;
  • Breasts look firmer, tighter, fuller, and more youthful;
  • Outlines the breasts;
  • Makes a better looking cleavage.

Breast augmentation pills should be taken twice daily in order to achieve satisfactory effects. Their results are said to be more noticeable if used together with other methods of natural breast enhancement , such as creams and certain supplements.

Additional information about breast enhancement pills

  • Companies claim that breast enlargement pills are safer than the breast augmentation surgery and have no side effects, however, there are no studies organized to prove it.
  • Bear in mind, that companies do not offer 100% guarantee, therefore, you might not experience the effects of the breast augmentation pill, like other women do.
  • Results are noticeable after a few months of use but tend to be permanent.
  • There is no logical, scientific and medical explanation to prove the effects of breast augmentation pills. Too few clinical trials have been conducted to analyze the effectiveness and safety of these products, unlike breast augmentation surgery , which effects, risks, side effects, and complications are widely studied and known.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Alternatives to blepharoplasty

It depends upon how much help the eyelids require to look better. One of the alternatives is to get enough sleep and fresh air. The cutting down on smoking and drinking also can help. The light-reflective make up is available too. These means are the simplest.

Use creams, gels and beauty treatments, other skin preparations to improve the appearance to tighten the skin around the eyes and to reduce dark rings, however, there is no scientific proof that they work on a permanent basis. Means of beauty should be used regularly otherwise initial appearance will come back. If there is a problem with a heavy brow that contributes to drooping upper eyelid skin the eyelid surgery can be performed, but if patient doesn’t want to the alternative of blepharoplasty would be brow lift that also can fix the problem. If there is an absence of excess fat in the lower eyelids, a simple resurfacing procedure may be very useful. If patient have a need to rid off lines the treatment with botox will perfectly fit! As fine lines begin to occur, particularly those that form around the mouth and eyes laser resurfacing can help minimize them!

Alternatives to tummy tuck

Tummy tuck procedure is performed when the unnecessary skin is left in abdomen area after the loosing weight. Patients who have unnecessary skin and fat on the abdomen are best treated with a tummy tuck. Still some people don’t want to undergo tummy tuck and prefer to choose the alternative of it.

The potential alternative would be liposuction . People who have problems with excess skin on the abdomen also can be candidates for liposuction. But doctors say that it is not the best solution. They say that liposuction is performed to remove the fat, not the skin! Removing the excess skin from the abdomen with liposuction help when the skin and muscle is tightening results can be dramatic. In short liposuction is not recommended, because the results are unpredictable. Another alternative would be a mini tummy tuck. This procedure improves the appearance of the abdomen only. During a mini tummy tuck, a short horizontal incision is made to separate the skin between the incision line and the navel. There is one more procedure – endoscopic tummy tuck. Good candidates are those who have looseness of the abdominal wall but not loose skin or stretch marks.

If you have not decided which procedure to choose, but remember your health is the most important thing, be careful and think twice which procedure would be better. It is always good to know what the final results will be.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Alternatives to laser eye surgery

Laser eye surgery become more and more popular, because it gives a possibility to put away glasses or contact lenses. However, there are people who don’t want to choose such alternatives. They rather prefer to use another ways to improve their seeing.

Sooner or later comes the time, when people feel that their seeing is not as perfect as before. What to do? – Laser eye surgery isn’t the only mean to improve seeing. The majority of people choose to wear glasses or contact lenses. It is affordable and convenient. It depends on a person. Some people prefer glasses some not. Others say that contact lenses are a better choice. Beside if there are some doubts which way to choose the best solution would be to contact with oculist and discuss other alternatives? Usually such possibilities are offered: lensectomy with intraocular lens implant – the natural lens is removed and is replaced with an intraocular lens implant; phakic IOL (intraocular lens) or ICL (intraocular contact lens) – insertion of an artificial lens without removing the crystalline lens; intracorneal rings – intracorneal rings are plastic inserts placed in the cornea. The rings flatten the central cornea in purpose to correct the nearsightedness (myopia). Intracorneal rings can be removed.If intracorneal rings are removed the cornea returns to its preoperative shape and nearsighted come backs; radial keratotomy – radial keratotomy is a surgical procedure. Its’ purpose is to remove or reduce ametropia (eyes with vision defects such as myopia, hyperopic or astigmatism are unable properly focus on light rays into a clear image. If ametropia occurs it requires corrective lenses or eye surgery).


With a help of RK the central corneal curvature is reduced; myopic or hyperopic keratomileusis or automated lamellar keratoplasty is used to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness – microkeratome is used to remove a thin slice of the cornea from the eye to reshape it for corrected vision; astigmatic keratotomy is a modification of radial keratotomy is used to correct astigmatism; myopic or hyperopic epikeratophakia – during this procedure the refractive error of the lens is modified by the transplantation of a donor cornea to the anterior surface of the patient’s cornea. All these procedures are related technically, the main difference is that every procedure is specialized on a different vision correction (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism).

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

Alternatives to rhinoplasty

Are there any alternatives to rhinoplasty? – is a frequent question amongst those who want to fix their nose, but do not want to choose rhinoplasty. For other purposes such as breathing problems there are some alternatives, but not many.

For instance if there is a problem with breathing through the nose doctors can help by offering the steam-heat procedures or procedures that contains cream therapy. If patient wants to change the appearance of the nose the rhinoplasty is necessary – even face massage is helpless in this case. The other way would be to work on other aspects of the face to improve proportion. It can be helpful; imagine a patient with a large nose and a small chin; by treating the chin the balance and harmony to the facial features can be reached. However, the changes of the chin would be significant! On the other hand it would be a huge mistake to try to take a large nose and make it very small to match a very small chin. Also soft tissue fillers can sometimes conceal nasal defects, but only the small ones. If person has a small chin, a chin implant can be used to balance a large appearing nose. The make up can be used too. It hides the imperfection – pro tempore. There are no other possibilities. So if you decided to change the shape of your nose, there is the only way to do it – to choose rhinoplasty.

Breast enhancement cream

Natural breast enhancement cream is used either to enlarge breasts or treat sagging breasts by improving their elasticity and making them firmer.

What is natural breast enhancement cream?

It is one of the natural methods used to make breasts look larger, firmer and more beautiful. This cream contains phytoestrogens, in addition to minerals and special herbal extracts that stimulate the cell growth of the breast tissue.

Natural breast enhancement cream should be applied on the breasts twice daily for at least three or four months to achieve best results. This cream is either used alone or to support treatment effects, gained from breast enhancement pills and herbal supplements.

Natural breast enhancement cream compared to pills

  • Creams are applied topically and, therefore, have a greater and faster action than pills;
  • Digestive and overall body systems are not affected by active components of natural breast augmentation treatment;
  • Ingredients, used in creams, are fresher and there is a bigger amount of them compared to pill;
  • The amount of active ingredients is not affected by problems of the digestive system, such as diarrhea or vomiting.

Expected effects

  • Natural breast enhancement creams are said to provide with the following results:
  • It makes breasts one or two cups larger;
  • Breasts look firmer and more youthful;
  • Contours the breasts;
  • Better looking cleavage.

Additional information

  • Cream manufacturers claim that the product has no side effects, however, too few studies have been conducted in order to confirm this consideration.
  • Bear in mind, that companies do not offer 100% guarantee, therefore, you might not experience the effects of the natural enhancement cream, as other women do.
  • Results are noticeable after a few months of use but tend to be permanent.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Natural breast enhancement

For those women, who wish to have their breast larger but for some reason does not want to overcome breast augmentation surgery, there is a solution. There is an option, commonly called natural or non-surgical breast enhancement.

What is natural breast enhancement?

Natural breast enhancement is a method of breast augmentation without a surgical intervention. It involves a number of different products, such as creams, supplements and pills that have an action of enhancing the breast in a natural way.

How it works

Breast enhancement products usually contain phytoestrogens, plant estrogens, which act as stimulants of the breast tissue growth. These substances are non-hormonal, so there is no danger that they may interfere with natural hormonal balance of the body. On the contrary, they make the breast to react in the same manner as it did in puberty. This way, the breast gradually becomes bigger and firmer.

Phytoestrogens are an essential component of either breast enhancement pills or creams. There is no difference established between the action of creams and pills.

Natural breast enhancement results

Natural breast enhancement products do not offer instant results. Breast enhancement cream  or pills should be taken or used daily or even more frequently for three or four consequent months. By the end of the treatment results should be clearly noticeable and satisfactory. Some women claim that their breasts became in one or two cup-size larger after the completion of treatment.

Positive results of natural breast enhancement process include breast enlargement, firmer and younger breast looks. These results are claimed to be permanent. However, there is no one hundred percent guarantee that every woman will respond to the treatment equally, since its action varies from individual to individual. But many women have claimed of achieving very good and permanent effects of natural breast enhancement treatment.

In addition, women with large breasts may not experience breast enlargement effects but have reported to feel that their breasts are firmer after the treatment.

Best candidates for natural breast enhancement

There are no investigated contraindications for the natural breast enhancement treatment, and therefore the following best candidates for it are:

  • Women, who cannot afford to have a surgical breast augmentation procedure;
  • Women, who for some reasons are not able to overcome surgical breast enlargement;
  • Women, who wish to have larger breasts;
  • Mothers, who have lost their skin elasticity due to pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • Women, who have lost weight and, hence, need to have their breast skin firmed;
  • Women, who need to enlarge breasts and firm the skin of the breasts after removal of breast implants;

Other descriptions

Although there are no known side effects, associated with the use of these products, diabetic women are known to have small response to this treatment. In addition, women who have low body fat, such as athletes and bulimic/anorexic patients, may not experience positive effects of natural breast enhancement process.

Bear in mind, that there is no scientific evidence for the action and efficacy of these products and no double-blind studies have been conducted, or results are not known, in order to get more scientific basis on natural breast enhancement products.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.