Alternatives to breast augmentation

A lot of women undergo breast augmentation surgery to reshape or to enlarge the breasts. Every woman wants to have beautiful bust! Breast augmentation is not the only way.

BRAVA system

There is one more possibility to increase the breast without surgical help! It could be reached by wearing the Brava system 10 hours a day for 10 weeks. Women can grow their breasts by one cup or sometimes even more. This natural enhancement is the clinically proven method to enlarge and improve the shape of the breasts. The principle of BRAVA system is "tension induced tissue growth". The result is natural and beautiful breasts. The results are 99.5% permanent. It is especially popular choice among women who have breast-fed and want to fill and lift not good looking breasts; very athletic women who want to have more feminized bodies but are against the breast augmentation surgery, and a variety of women who want to enlarge their breasts for one cup size. BRAVA system alike a bra with two plastic domes that are connected to a suction device, that’s why most patients quickly get used to sleeping in it – because for women it is natural to wear a bra. The only disadvantage that BRAVA system has is a "long fix"; you maybe needed several months to see final results; so if you decided to try this system be ready for waiting and be patient.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Advantages and complications of breast reduction

Woman, who decide to undergo a breast reduction procedure, usually suffer from a lot of different medical and psychological problems. Surgery helps them overcome these problems.

Complications of breast reduction

Reduction mammaplasty is a safe procedure when performed by a qualified doctor. However, it is not a small and simple surgical procedure, and as any surgery, it has some uncertainty and risk. Bear in mind, that complications are rare but still possible.

Possible complications and risks include the following: bleeding and infection. There could be an abnormal reaction to anesthetics, since the surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Sores around the nipples may occur. These can be cured with antibiotic agents.

Be aware, that this is not a scar-free procedure. There will be a permanent scar after the surgery. It will be visible only while being naked because a bra and bathing suit basically cover the scar. Some patients may have the breasts that will look slightly different from one another. They may also have unequally positioned nipples after the procedure.


You should keep in mind, that there is a risk, especially if your breasts are extremely large, to permanently loose the sensation in the nipples and areolar area. In very rare cases, the tissue of the nipples and areola may die, resulting in the loss of them. Additional surgery will then be needed and the nipples and areola will be reconstructed using the tissues from other parts of the body.

As the glandular tissue is removed from the breasts during the surgery, breast-feeding may not be possible in the future. Therefore, it is not recommended to have this type of surgery performed for women, who plan to breast-feed a baby in the future.

Additionally, smoking may increase the risk for complications. And hence, it is highly recommended to abstain from smoking for at least three weeks prior to and two months after the breast reduction procedure.

Finally, women, who follow the doctor’s advice, are more likely to heal quicker, experience more successful results and have fewer complications. Therefore, ask your doctor for all the possible information that is relevant to the healing process.

Advantages of breast reduction

Breast reduction is a safe procedure with significant results.

  • The breasts will look smaller, better-shaped and firmer after the surgery.

  • There will be less strain on the back and neck, which will result in the disappearance of the back and neck pain.

  • A woman will no longer experience indentation marks on her shoulders from bra straps.

  • Irritation of the skin underneath the breasts should be reduced.

  • If a woman experiences any breathing problems before the surgery, those should be absent after the breasts have been reduced.

  • A woman will feel more self-confident and comfortable about her body.

  • If reduction mammaplasty is performed after breast reconstruction of another breast, the reduced breast will look more alike in shape and size to the reconstructed breast. 

This type of surgery is more successful when a patient is mature, well-informed, has no additional illnesses and is realistic about her expectations.

Breast reduction

Many women all around the world wish to have breast augmentation in order for their breasts to look bigger. Big breasts are considered to look nicer and more attractive. However, there are women with naturally very large breasts and this causes additional problems. These women may experience various medical problems, such as back and neck pain, irritation of the skin, skeletal deformities and even troubles with breathing. Extremely large breasts may make a woman feel unhappy about her body and looks. Breast reduction may be performed then to solve medical and esthetical problems.

What is breast reduction?

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a type of surgery, during which fat, glandular tissue, and skin are removed from the breasts. It makes the breasts smaller and better-shaped. In addition, if there is a need and a woman desires, the areola may be made smaller also.

Breast reduction surgery

There are various techniques of the procedure. Usually the surgeon makes a so-called anchor-shaped incision that is around the areola, and then moves down up to a natural fold underneath the breast. Then excess fat, glandular tissue and skin are removed. Then a surgeon moves the nipple with the areolar area (a darker area around the nipple) into a new position. Breasts are formed to have a new and better shape.

If breasts are extremely large and drooping, the surgeon may need to detach the nipples from their natural vessels and nerves, which then result in a loss of sensation in these parts of the breasts.

Stitches are then put on the incision lines. And the surgery is over.

If only fat tissue from the breasts should be removed, liposuction is an option. This type of procedure provides a shorter period of recovery and leaves with almost invisible scars.

Breast reduction cost

There is a variety of factors that influence the price of a breast reduction procedure. Total cost depends very much upon the physician, region and state. In general, bear in mind that low price usually does not include everything or offer the best value possible.

Since most of reduction mammaplasty procedures are performed in order to solve major health problems, occurring from enormously large breasts, some health insurance policies do cover the cost of surgery. Please check with your health insurance provider for more information.

Total price includes the surgeon’s fee, hospital fees, and fee for anesthesia. The total cost is between $5,000 and $10,000.

Permanent hair removal

People, who have unwanted hair in certain places of their body, know how frustrating it can be to choose the right method for hair removal. They are also aware of how much time and money it requires to get rid off unwanted hair. However, growing demand for good image and beautiful looks make people overcome all the trouble that hair removal brings. Fortunately, there are modern methods that people can choose to get rid off unwanted hair most probably for good.

What is it?

Nowadays, newest technologies are very efficient in removing hair for a long period of time. However, there is no such technique or equipment that would be able to eliminate unwanted hair forever. Most of the time “permanent hair removal” means that hair growth will be stopped for a long term.

Statistics claim that newest technologies bring permanent decrease in hair growth in 90% of cases, however, there are still 10% left and therefore, the FDA does not approve to use the term “permanent hair removal”. Just like permanent pen is not actually permanent or permanent hair wave does not stay forever, permanent hair removal does not imply hair growth reduction forever. It does mean, although, that your hair growth will be diminished for a long time and you will not have to shave for a certain time lasting even a few years.

Permanent hair removal methods

There are several methods available in market that provide long-term hair growth reduction to most of the people. These include electrolysis, laser hair removal, flashlamps/intense pulsed lamps.

Electrolysis brings a long-term hair growth reduction in most of the cases if performed correctly. It works in a way that a thin metal probe is inserted into a hair follicle and electricity is brought through the probe. This causes permanent damage of a follicle and therefore, the hair can no longer grow. There are a few types of electrolysis that differ in type of energy used. These are galvanic electrolysis and thermolysis. Using galvanic electrolysis water and salt around the hair follicle is chemically formed into lye which damages the cells responsible for hair growth. During thermolysis water around the hair follicles are heated up to high temperatures so that there is enough heat to damage the cells responsible for hair growth.

Although the method might be expensive and a little bit painful, it is a safe method providing good long-term results, therefore consumers can save on all the other hair removal methods and means. However, electrolysis may not be suitable for hair removal in large areas.

Laser hair removal is one of the newest methods used. The main principle of this method is based on contrast between hair and skin color. Lasers cause localized damage by heating dark target substance in the area that causes hair growth while not heating the rest of the skin. Newest techniques enable removing hair even for people with light skin and fair hair.

Laser technique is considered to be one of the most effective and safe methods of hair removal. It is very suitable for large areas, such as back or chest. Even if removed hair grows back it is usually thinner and lighter in color.

Using flashlamps/intense pulsed lamps usually give good and long-term results in hair removal. Specific wavelengths of light are produced in a flashlamp that filters full-spectrum and infrared light. This light, just like a laser, targets the dark matter in the hair follicle and, just like during laser hair removal, causes localized damage to the cells causing hair growth.

It is very similar to laser technique, the only difference is in the form of light used and efficiency of these two methods. Laser hair removal is considered to be more efficient in providing long-term hair growth decrease than flashlamps/IPL.

LASIK eye surgery

Nobody is perfect. Our eyes may also not be perfect. Those who have to wear glasses or contact lenses all the time have probably dreamt at least once of not having to wear them. And actually your dream may come true with the help of LASIK eye surgery.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is an abbreviation for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis. It is a type of surgery during which refractive errors are corrected in order to reduce a person’s dependency on contact lenses and/or glasses. The cornea — a very clear cover of the front part of an eye — is flattened permanently during the procedure with the use of excimer laser.

Understanding your eyes

The cornea and lens work together to bend, refract, the light rays so that they are focused on the retina, the inner layer of an eye, to create a clear image. Frequently the cornea has an imperfect shape and therefore refraction — bending and focusing of the light rays — is not sufficient resulting in a blurred vision and distorted image of the picture. This is called refractive errors. There are three basic types of such errors — myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. A person, who has myopia, nearsightedness, has problems in seeing distant objects as clearly as nearby ones. A person, who has hyperopia, farsightedness, has trouble in seeing nearby objects as clearly as distant ones. Astigmatism is a type of refractive error when an eye has different focal points in different planes due to the not perfectly spherical cornea or lens. All of these errors can be and are corrected with the help of spherical and cylindrical glasses or contact lenses. Refractive errors may also be corrected during laser eye surgery, the type of which is LASIK procedure.

Lasik eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery is an outpatient procedure. It usually takes less than 30 minutes for each eye. Local anesthesia is given with the help of local anesthetic eyedrops that numb the eye so that it becomes insensitive to the surgery.
A surgeon will place a special instrument, called a lid speculum, to keep your eyelids wide open during the procedure. After this is done, the ophthalmologist will put a ring on your cornea and use high pressures to form suction to the cornea. This will result in a cloudy vision for you at that time and is normal.

A special knife, professionally called a microkeratome, attached to the suction ring will be used to cut the outer layer of the cornea to form a flap. Then the flap will be bent back uncovering the middle layer of the cornea, also called the stroma. It is the thickest section of the cornea of an eye. The suction ring and the cutting instrument will then be removed.

You will be asked to look into the red light of the laser to create a stable position of your eye so that a doctor will be able to work on it. An ophthalmologist will then use an excimer laser in order to flatten the stroma. Pulses from the laser will be released to vaporize a certain portion of the stroma. After this has been completed, the flap will be restored to its primary position and will attach to the eyeball immediately. No stitches are needed and the procedure is over after placing a special shield over the eye in order to protect the flap. Be aware that it is very important to wear the shield all the time to avoid rubbing the eye or pressing it during sleep.

Healing is basically short but you may experience a blurred vision on the day of the laser eye surgery. Your vision should improve on the day after the procedure, however, you may still want to take a few days off after surgery.
You will not have to wear glasses or contact lenses after surgery. According to The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), seven out of 10 patients achieve 20/20 vision, but 20/20 does not always mean perfect vision. And if you had LASIK performed in order to correct your distant vision you will still have to wear reading glasses from the age of about 45 due to presbyopia, the process during which the lens looses elasticity while aging resulting in a decreased ability to see nearby objects clearly.


  • Keep the anatomy of cornea;
  • Good vision is achieved very fast;
  • The procedure is painless;
  • Effective;
  • Stability of results;
  • There are no scars and seams;
  • It’s possible to correct both eyes at the same time.

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

Breastfeeding after breast augmentation

One of the most important functions of the breasts is breastfeeding. Therefore women, who wish and plan to have breast augmentation or any other breast surgery, are concerned whether they will be able to nurse their babies after the procedure or not. This ability after surgery depends upon various factors but the answer to the question is “yes” although you should be aware of all the possible complications and risks.

Firstly, there was a huge concern in the early 90’s with the reports of a so called silicone illness. People and professionals feared that silicone from the breast implants could leak into a mother’s milk and thus affect a baby’s health. However, later studies showed that there was no base to think so, since the silicone molecule was too small to get into the milk ducts.

Now most professionals use saline implants in breast augmentation surgery. They are said to be safe and have no harm to health. Even though there is no evidence that saline solution could pass into the milk ducts, there is no danger since this solution could not harm mother’s or baby’s health.

Some professionals claim that breastfeeding after the procedure could depend upon the type of the surgery and the incision site. Peri-aeroral, made around aerola, incision is believed to be the most risky of all. Nerves and vessels could be damaged during the surgery and then nursing and lactation would be affected. Therefore surgeons mostly choose to insert an implant through the incisions made under the fold of the breast, through the armpits or trans-umbilically (through the belly button) in order to escape possible troubles in baby nursing.

The effeciency of breast feeding

The efficiency of breast feeding depends very much upon the implant placement. Most breast implants are placed under the muscle so that the milk ducts would be not harmed during the surgery.

However, you should understand that breast augmentation is a surgical procedure, which, as any breast surgery, can affect the function of milk ducts. Studies have shown that any type of breast augmentation procedure affects lactation, independently from the incision site, type or placement of an implant. Specialists say that women, who have breast implants, are three times more likely to have insufficient milk supply.

Inadequate milk supply after breast surgery is explained due to the pressure of breast implants on the milk ducts, which then are not able to produce enough milk to nurse the baby. Another reason might be due to the surgery. During the procedure milk ducts can be damaged, especially through peri-aeroral incision, resulting in inadequate milk supply after pregnancy.

An additional problem is that women, who have breast implants , fear to nurse their babies because they somehow believe that breast implants are harmful to the babies. Some women avoid breastfeeding because they are afraid of possible complications due to breast implants. What you should know is that these fears are unreal and should be ignored. Besides, American Academy of Pediatrics state that breastfeeding is a preferred method to nurse the baby and therefore encourages women to breastfeed their babies.

In addition, please note that breast augmentation could result in certain complications, such as mastitis (infection of the milk ducts) and galactorrhea (milk production in a woman who is not pregnant). These complications are rare but you should be aware of them before having the surgery, since they could affect lactation and nursing.

Do not be afraid of breast augmentation surgery even though you still plan to have babies afterwards. Most likely breastfeeding problems are minor due to breast implants. But you should be informed and aware of them so that you can evaluate the ratio of risk and success of this particular procedure. And finally, do not forget to discuss these problems and your future breastfeeding plans with your doctor. With his/her help, you will be able to escape all possible risks and complications in the end.


Bad nose job! Monica Lopez story

My name is Monica Lopez. In september of 2004 I had private surgery to the nose. I was advised that in two months the recovery should be complete.I then went back after two months with the facial area very swollen. I was told it could take up to six months and later on I was told it could be up to a year. As a result of this surgery I cannot breath properly through the nostrils, my face is still swollen, I’ve got strange headache that I’ve never had before, and the nose job is bad done.

I believe that I have been given incorrect information by the surgeon and as a result of this my life had been adversely affected, not going out of my house for a year. I have been few times to the same surgeon were I have been advised that, it would take up to 12 months to recover.

He alseo admitted that the surgery perfomed was not 100% accurate.

I had to leave my job, cannot breath properly, swimming, going to the gym and it has affected my sleeping patterns.

Details doctor:

Dr. Aslam LINIA clinic

17 Harley Street

Please help!!!….everybody should know how I suffered, how I’m still suffering from medical negligence.*

*CosmeticMiracles is not responsible for the content

Blepharoplasty cost

Eyelid surgery, as all cosmetic surgery, requires individual payment. You should be aware that most insurance company policies do not cover the cost of cosmetic surgery, except for some rare cases when cosmetic surgery is needed to reconstruct vital functions of the body organs. If sagging eyelids or bags under your eyes interfere with your vision, the cost of eyelid surgery may be covered by an insurance company. It is especially done if eyelid problems appear in a younger age.

Eyelid surgery cost

When blepharoplasty is performed for only cosmetic reasons it is usually not covered by medical insurance. It is patients’ responsibility to check with their insurance company for possible coverage of costs of surgery. Your surgeon may also be helpful in advising whether there is any possibility that blepharoplasty cost could be covered by your medical insurance provider.

Although the cost of eyelid surgery depend upon varies factors, an average price for blepharoplasty in the United States is $2,500.

The price may vary depending on the region and state. Blepharoplasty is usually cheaper if the practice is in suburban or urban area. The most expensive state for blepharoplasty is New England, where an average price of eyelid surgery is $3,500. Blepharoplasty is the cheapest in south central or north central states — the price varying from $2,100 to $2,400. Bear in mind that the above mentioned price only covers a surgeon and physician costs.

You will have to add cost of anesthesia and other additional costs. This might be up to additional $2000. The price also depends on the extent of eyelid surgery. It is the highest if all four eyelids are fixed. Since you may also need additional facial surgeries, do not forget to add those to the total cost.

Finally, before deciding to have eyelid surgery choose the practice that would suit you best. Note that unwise saving on surgical procedures may cause more trouble. As there are quite a few factors that affect the price ofeyelid surgery , it is relevant for you to check as many practices as possible in order to choose the best value and a good, experienced doctor.

Blepharoplasty complications

Even though eyelid surgery offers very good results, there are certain risks and complications that the procedure can possibly bring. You should know that such complications are very rare with blepharoplasty, however they are still possible. Surgery performed by a good and highly qualified doctor reduces risk for complications, nonetheless there is still some risk remaining.

Blepharoplasty complications

There may be some complications that almost do not depend upon a doctor. Such are an infection or an inadequate reaction of a patient to anesthesia. These conditions can be controlled with certain medications. Unfortunately, if they happen these complications may cause your recovery period last longer.

Some complications happen as a result of a surgery. Such can be a blurred or double vision for some time after eyelid surgery. Other minor complications may include swelling at the corner of the eyelids and decreased sensation in the eyelid. Some patients may experience asymmetry in healing and scarring. You may also feel dryness, burning, stinging feeling in your eye(s). This could be possible controlled with administration of artificial tear eye drops. Some patients may experience an excessive tearing. These complications are minor and usually temporary and need no serious treatment.

A slightly greater complication is retrobulbar hematoma (an accumulation of blood under skin). This may occur straight after surgery. Blood accumulation under skin may heal gradually itself or it may need to be removed in some cases. Hematoma is more probable when eyelid surgery is performed in combination with other aesthetic facial surgeries, such as facelift, brow lift or forehead lift.

Most complications depend both on a patient’s individual characteristics and on a doctor’s experience. Post-operatively a decreased eyelid function may be observed. Some people may find it hard closing their eyes. This condition is usually temporary and should disappear some time after surgery, however, some patients may need additional treatment. Patients may have difficulty in properly closing their eyes while sleeping. The condition is most often temporary but in some cases it might become permanent. Another problem with the eyelids may include ectropion, pulling down of the lower eyelid, and should be treated with additional surgery. Some complications are associated with healing of the scars. A problem may occur in healing of the incision areas. There may appear prominent or firm scars that would be visible unless covered with make-up. When the surgeon takes out the stitches, tiny whiteheads, called milia, may appear in the sight of the stitches. These whiteheads can be efficiently removed by a surgeon with a fine needle.

More serious complications that can be caused by blepharoplasty include an impaired vision and retinal detachment. Since it is a surgery in the area around the eyes any ophthalmological problems may be a risk for complications after surgery. Your eye doctor’s consultation would be relevant prior to eyelid surgery.

Blepharoplasty never includes systemic complications

Since blepharoplasty is a minor aesthetic surgical procedure it rarely or almost never includes systemic risks and complications. Most of the complications can be easily treated with simple treatment or further surgery may be needed. Additional factors of your physical state may increase risk for complications. Such factors are systemic diseases, such as hypothyroidism, Grave’s disease, insufficient tear production or dryness of the eyes, increased blood pressure, cardiovascular or circulatory disorders, and diabetes. You should discuss all these problems with your doctor pre-operatively so that he or she can evaluate your risk for possible complications.

Be aware that most of the above mentioned complications and risks are very infrequent, however, as with all surgery there is always some risk. Your doctor or a member of his staff should discuss all the possible aspects of risks and complications of eyelid surgery prior to the procedure. Your job is to understand all the possible complications and ask the doctor how you could help yourself to avoid the risk. It is important for you to cooperate with your doctor and carefully follow your doctor’s instructions to reduce the risk. Patience, your will to cooperate and a qualified surgeon are all the factors you need for eyelid aesthetic surgery procedure to go smoothly and without any complications post-operatively.

Blepharoplasty results

Eyes are the center of your face. In some cultures, they are believed to be a mirror of a person’s soul. However, tired looking eyes and tired glance is something you do not want to have. This can be achieved by blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery in other words. Although it takes some time to wait for the surgery results, this cosmetic procedure offers you excellent and long-lasting or even permanent results.

Blepharoplasty results

By removing excess fat and skin from lower and upper eyelids, eyelid surgery removes puffiness of upper lids and bags below the eyes. This causes you look rested, younger and alert. Eyelid surgery offers excellent results that are long-lasting or even permanent to most of the patients. However, hereditary or individual life-style factors may influence how long the results will last.

Excess fat that is removed from the lower and upper eyelids should not accumulate again in those places. Despite that, the aging process continues meaning that the skin gradually loses its elasticity and becomes even less firm. As a result of this process, your appearance might change a little bit. Some people eventually seek for plastic surgeon’s help after some time. Still to most people plastic eyelid surgery results last at least more than ten years.

You should bear in mind that scars may remain visible for something like six months or more. Since upper and lower lids are operated in two different techniques, when performed transconjuntively, blepharoplasty leaves no visible scar on the lower eyelid at all. A scar on the upper lid may be visible as a pink thin line for a few months after surgery and can be easily covered with make-up. Fortunately, in six month time the pink color fades away leaving a thin almost invisible white line

Eyelid surgery not only improves your overall appearance, gives you a bright, youthful look but also may enhance your self-esteem. Knowing that you look your age and beautiful will make you feel better about yourself. Nobody will be asking if you are tired when you are not. And you will be no longer tired of looking tired. An increased self-confidence is especially helpful to those who are back again to the dating period.

Additionally, blepharoplasty may improve one’s peripheral vision. Sagging upper eyelids may interfere with one’s vision, especially peripheral one. They may be an obstacle to see the objects at the sides of your visual field. Having eyelid surgery performed your peripheral vision will return to normal unless there are other problems of the eyes, such as glaucoma, that may affect your vision.

Since patients continue to get older even after surgery, their skin loses elasticity and additional problems may occur. Such problems are wrinkling of the area around the eyes, loss of tone of the forehead area and sagging eyebrows. If such problems occur, patients may want to have additional surgical procedures. These may be forehead lift, facelift, brow lift or an extra eyelid surgery. However, even with changing times and appearance most patients are more than happy with their new looks and surgery results. And since these results are nearly permanent, patients have no reason to complain. If they do — there is always a professional and high-qualified surgeon able to improve people’s appearance.